Chapter 15

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Dear Diary,

Jonathan hasn't talked to me since he tried to ask me to the dance yesterday. In fact, he hasn't talked to anyone nor shown up at school. Neither did Lia, so that's definitely saying something.

I finally spilled to Laine and told her everything including the Jonathan ask-out.

This is what she said:

"Honestly, I'm surprised Theia. He really had you hooked, but the spell he had on you does seem to be broken. So you have a choice to make here." She spoke wisely and being her years. But then I noticed that she was pointing to Dominic who was opening his locker a few feet away from us.

I slowly walked up to him and tapped his shoulder. He turned around and looked at me flatly. But I could see a spark in his eyes indicating and unknown emotion. His beautiful-Theia! Snap out of it! Don't mind that, Diary. That was me metallurgy scolding myself.

"Hi, Dominic. I know I really screwed up and stuff, but I assure you I don't like Jonathan anymore. I do like you, and I would love to go to the dance." I smiled slightly. "But with you."

Dominic just stared at me.

"You really think I'm just going to forgive you? After that lame-ass apology?" Dominic slammed his locker shut and I noticed Lia was watching intently. My cheeks burned red. "You really are stupid."

Dominic gave me one last giant glance before walking down the hall leaving me all alone. Laine even left to give me some space.

My gaze never faltered from the
spot where Dominic had just stood before me.

I really am stupid.


With all the drama at school, I'd forgotten about my swimming lessons later that day, diary. But of course mom reminded me and made me go.

"I signed you up, and so you will pass." She said sternly and I grumpily stomped upstairs and changed.

Jaime dawdled along with us, and u was glad when her swimming teacher called her over.

I nervously glanced at the ice-cold water before huddling with me swimming group before our teacher Miss Burn.

"Hey guys! Are you ready for some fun swimming today?" She chirped.

"No." I muttered, but it didn't matter because no one heard me anyway.

She practically shoved us all in the water against our own will and made us swim laps. By the tenth lap, I was tuckered out and so I was resting on the walls, when I heard a high pitched voice...

"Ew these lifeguard outfits are soo last year!" I slowly turned around only to have a mini-heart attack when I saw Lia arguing with the head community centre boss.

Panicking, I quickly asked Miss Burn to go to the washroom and as son as she said yes I made a mad dash for the washroom.

I cannot believe Lia was at the community centre!! Diary, rind me to quit swimming lessons.

I watched silently from a crack in the door as a figure approached the washroom, and when the door swung open I screamed at who it was.

"Theia?!" Lia shrieked as the door swung closed and I slipped on the water in the floor and fell in my butt.

"L-Lia! Nice to see y-you!" I stuttered and fake smiled bracing myself for the nasty comments and threats.

But Lia don't say anything, and so I peeked at her through my eyelashes and saw her trying to hold in her laughter. But why?

"Ah Theia you crack me up!" She smiled, fixed her make up and left.

What. The. Hell.

I sat there dazed on the wet floors pondering about Lia being an alien.

I'm sure if it diary, Lia is an alien.


So a quick chappy for y'all!

Hope you enjoyed. I'll try to update more often.

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