Chapter 27

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OCTOBER 31 Dance Part 3

Dear Diary,

I didn't know how long I was out for, but it must of been at least an hour. I woke up in the back of a trunk with tape over my mouth and my hands tied.

I could hear hushed voices whispering about in the front seats of the van.

"Do you think she'll wake up soon?" Shelley (Lias Minion) asked.

"I didn't mean to hit her so hard." Lia cried.

LIA! She was the one behind This! I struggled and squirmed to sit up right and ended up making to much noise. A loud clang sounded from where I was and I could here the quietness of Lia and Shelley's breathing.

"Do you think she heard?" Shelley whispered softly.

"Shut up!" Lia whispered back and they kept quiet for a while, while I looked for a way to escape.

I certainly couldn't just kick open the back door, like in movies and jump out without breaking any bones! This was real life! And there wasn't anything to bash the window with. I was DEFINITELY screwed.

"I think she went to sleep." Lia said and I inwardly snickered. Of course they would think that. They must of forgotten that they'd gagged me. "Do you even know where this place is? We're supposed to have her delivered there for 6!" Lia ordered.

OH MY LORD! They were deleting me to murderers! I squirmed and struggled some more trying to break free of the ropes grasp.

"Can you not keep your voice down?! I think she heard!" Shelley huffed and Lia sighs heavily.

I used my hands to feel around the rope for a knot. I felt and felt until...AHA! I'd found it. I made several attempts to untie it, but failed. I was about to give up, when I heard the tires roll up into some sort of driveway. I began to freak out.

I tried one last time to free myself from the rope. The knot came loose just as the car doors were slamming.

"Quick we have ten minutes!" Shelley ushered.

I ripped the tape off my mouth and prepared for them to open the trunk doors. At the first peak of light, I lunged.

"AHHH!" Screamed Shelley and Lia. "Theia stop!"

"Why should I?!" I screeched. "You kidnapped me!"

Shelley and Lia looked at each other.

"Guess we should tell her." Lia sighed. "We were the ones that took you from the maze. But only because-"

Lia was cut off by the sound of screaming and yelling.

"SURPRISE!" I looked behind me and saw that we were in front of my house.

"W-what?" I stammered. "I'd surely thought I was being kidnapped!"

In the crowds I saw Dominic and Laine with guilty expressions on their faces.

"We felt bad about what happened with Jonathan so we organized this." Dominic said. "I'm sorry Theia."

"You should be! You scared the wits out of me!" I grinned. "I always wanted a house party!"

"Well that's the thing-" Dominic didn't get to finish before...

"THEIIIA!" Mom shouted from her bedroom window.

Oh shit!

All in all the Halloween Hop was a big success. It was quite funny watching all of my classmates getting shooed off my property.

"This might go down as the best Halloween ever." I chuckled.

"It just might, but want to make it better?" Dominic asked a special spark in his eyes.

I smirked. "Of course I do."

I snaked my arms around his neck bring my lips to his. We kissed under the light of a thousand stars and listened to the giggling of Laine and Tom.

But it didn't matter what anyone else thought, because me merely a nerd had gotten her wish.

XOXO Theia


OMFG! 1000 reads guys?! Thanks so much you're all so very awesome!

One or two chapters left until this story is finished 😢! I'm so sad but I have a special surprise!

So stay tuned!


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