Chapter 8

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Dear Diary,


I was walking in the halls, when suddenly I was stopped by a hand.

I looked up and saw the mesmerizing electric blue eyes of Jonathan Fucking Harper.

"H-Hi." I stuttered surprised. Why would he want to talk to me.

"Hey, Theia I wanna ask you something." He flashed me an award winning smile, and rubbed his neck nervously.

Why was he nervous?! I have no idea, diary, but I hope it was because of me..sigh, a girl can dream.

"Uh yeah sure." I replied but inside I was jumping up and down. What did he want to ask me?! Anything was good!

His lips parted to start talking to me, when...

"JONATHAN!!!" The one and only Lia screeched from the other end of the hall.

She stomped down the hall glaring daggers at Jonathan. She shoved me out of the way and got all up in Jonathan's face.

"YOURE BREAKING UP WITH ME?!" She howled and a crowd gathered and I heard the sound of camera flashes going off. Uh oh.

"Yes, I am. Do you have a prom le with that?" Jonathan remained calm as where the latter looked livid as hell.

Seething, she grabbed the collar of his polo shirt and screamed, "YOU ARE NOT BREAKING UP WITH ME!!!"

Jonathan shoved her off of him and she burst into tears running down the hall. Her minions soon followed after scurrying after Lia like they were her servants.

I walked up to Jonathan slowly as e told the crowd to scram, and soon it was just us. All alone...

"So what'd you what to ask me?" I smiled. He gunned and was about to continue when the bell rang.

Unfortunately, we weren't in the next class together so we had to part ways.

"I'll ask you some other time." He smiled and walked down the halls.

I was late for the first time ever today, but damn, it was fucking worth it!

My teacher let me off easy because it was my first time, but next time I was receiving a detention.

All I could think about was our conversation, so it was hard to remain focused throughout the rest of the day.

Oh well.

Who knows? Maybe Jonathan will finally make my dreams come true and ask me to the Halloween Hop.

But that's in my dreams. Let's face reality people, he was obviously trying to ask me what type of flowers the girl he likes likes!

But that's not the point, diary. The point is that I got to talk to Jonathan Harper! AHHHH!

XOXO Theia


Wow a double update?! Today must be special ;).

See you all next time.


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