Chapter 19

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Dear Diary,

Currently it's Saturday and I couldn't be more glad! I didn't need to worry about all the stupid tests and stuff.

But what I did need to worry about was babysitting Jaime. Again!

Mom and dad left me with the Devil to go on another secret date.

"But mom! I wanted to relax tonight!!" I whined.

"Honey, just this night. Please don't give your sister a hard time, Jaime." Mom warned and Jaime smiled sweetly before running off to play princess sugar plum in her room.

Well, she grew bored of that quickly and right after mom and dad left, Jaime barged out of her room and stomped into the kitchen.

"Theeeeia!" She hollered.

"What?" I asked while reading the lasted magazine on how to do your hair for prom night.

"Princess sugar plum is dead." Jaime sobbed and I looked up alarmed.

"Alright, I'll check it out." I took Jaime's hand and she lead me to her room.

I took a peak at her fish tank where Fred, our fish was usually swimming about, but Fred wasn't there.

"Jaime, where's Fred?" I aided her anxiously as I put the pieces together.

"Princess Sugar Plum is dead!" Jaime cried and pointed to a non-moving Fred on the carpeted floors.

"Jaime what did you do?!" I cried and picked up poor Fred as my sister sobbed.

"Princess Sugar Plum!" She whined and sobbed.

I quickly threw Fred in the tank and waited for any possible movement, but there was none.

"Jaime! Why would you take Fred out?! You know he's not supposed to come out!" I scolded and Jaime whimpered.

"I did know, Theia, but I just wanted someone to play with." Jaime sniffles. "You never play with me anymore."

My eyes softened and I reached down to hug Jaime.

"Oh Jaime!" I laughed and my sister laughed as well. "Let's go play some monopoly!"

And at that moment, Fred's body began to move, and he swam happily around his tank once more.

"Monopoly! Monopoly!" Jaime cheered as ran down the stairs with me chasing after her.

And that's how my Saturday night went, diary. :)

XOXO Theia


OMG I just experienced the feels!

Did any of you? Mmkay well stay tuned for the next chapter guys!


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