Chapter 11

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Dear Diary,

The dreaded day came.

I still can't believe mom is still making me go. I even pulled out my best weapon. Puppy dog eyes. But NOOO I still have to go.

The last few days at school have been somewhat okay. Jonathan was away, so my days were kind of miserable without my Greek God to look at.

Laine is probably the only one excited for this trip. She said she wanted to find the biggest pumpkin ever.

Well, she half got what she wanted....

So here's what happened:

"Ugh I'm so gonna hate this trip." Lia whined to her minions. "Jonathan isn't even here."

Actually, Jonathan was there somewhere along the back off the line out science teacher made us stand in. She might as well made us all hold hands to if we're being treated like babies.

There was only one thing Lia and I could agree on. This trip being a total buzzkill. Mom is making me pick out a tiny pumpkin for Jaime so she could carve it herself this year.

That's inns turn out great. I hope I don't lose my eye.

"Laine, I really don't want to go." I whined and Laine shushed me, as she was in the middle of reading Mysterious Guy blogs. She was taking my mysterious note way to seriously. If received one note over the course of three days but that was it.

Dear Theia,

I hope you have fun on this trip. I'll be watching you, so please look out for me.

-Mysterious Guy

We boarded the bus and listened as our bus driver, Mrs Waltz droned on about the bus rules.

And after that boring long  lecture, the bus finally began to move and the endless chatter began. I banged my was off the seat in front of me, which resulted another detention. Mom really shouldn't have sent me on this trip.

~Time skip 2 hours~

After two horrible hours, the bus pulled up at Pumpkin Patch Orchid somewhere I didn't bother to pay attention to.

Our science teacher suffered we pick our pumpkins in pairs and then branch off when we got them wrapped.

I trudged over to the front of the pumpkin store with Laine in tow. But as I was picking out a pumpkin for Jaime, I noticed that Laine ha gone missing.

"Laine?!" I called. Didn't she knew we were supposed to pair off? That I'll never know, diary.

I ran into the pumpkin patch fields searching for my missing best friend, when all of a sudden..

"THEIA LOOK I FOUND THE BIGGEST PUMPKIN!" Laine screamed from the top of the hill over the pumpkin patch.

Indeed, she had found the biggest pumpkin, but she's also found a way to attract attention to me. And I hate attention.

"Thanks Laine." I whispered just as Laine pokes the pumpkin.

"Oops!" She shouted and everyone turned in her direction just as the ginormous pumpkin began thundering down the hill at an unknown speed.

"Look out!" I screamed and my fellow peers jumped out of the way just in time, to see a pumpkin whizz by then just nipping at their feet.

There was only one person who didn't follow my command...can you guess who?

The pumpkin rolled down the hill heading straight for Lia who stood her ground.

"This pumpkin can't hur-" Lia didn't even get to finish her sentence before the large pumpkin smashed into her tiny frame.

Her shrikes and screams were enough to have the teachers and bus driver running over to aid her.

Laine stood at the top of the hill laughing her arse off as did everyone else as they snapped millions of pictures.

Lia then began crying hysterically, and she pathetically refused for help and hobbled her way to the bathroom.

So yes, diary. This trip didn't turn out to Be so bad after all. :)

I ended up helping Laine pick out the second biggest pumpkin so she wouldn't be disappointed. I bet no one will ever forget this little trip to the pumpkin Patch.

Neither will Lia who is currently sulking in the corner of the bus while covered in head to toe in pumpkin guck and seeds.

Happy early Halloween Lia!

I wasn't the only one who was happy today. When I handed Jaime her tiny pumpkin, she was overjoyed.

Maybe the little six year old isn't so bad. As long as no monopoly is involved!

XOXO Theia


YASS the next chapter is out! Dear lord, please help me get through school Tomorrow.

Thanks to everyone who has been voting and commenting, I appreciate it so much. It really brightens up my day.

When I stared this story, I didn't expect to have so many fans, but my audience seeks to grow every day!

I feel so honoured to entertain you all! Honestly, I hope this story never ends so I can keep entertaining you.

Shout out to all of you awesome people! You will be mentioned in the very last chapter of this story where I will be saying my thank you's and whatever.

So that's it for now. Next cheater coming soon! :)


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