Chapter 7

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Dear diary,

I don't know if it's even possible for one human being to hate you so much.

Laine and I were standing in line waiting to buy our tickets for the dance, when Lia butted in front of us in line. It's not like I'm a COMPLETE goody good two shoes, it's just the line was cray cray long and it felt like we'd been waiting FORehVA.

"Lia, we were here first." I reasoned. I never do learn how to keep my mouth shut.

She turned around and laughed and cackled at me as if I was the stupidest person in the world. Which I wasn't because my IQ is way higher than hers. It's probably higher than the amount of guys she's fucked which is a pretty big number.

"Whatever. I was here first so you can run along and speak loser somewhere else." Lia should've chosen her comeback more carefully.

"If I speak loser than how did you understand me? Are you referring to yourself as a loser as well?" I batted my eyelashes all innocent like and smiled sweetly.

By now, we'd caught the attention of other students in the line, and word spreads quickly around high school.

"I-I wasn't." Lia stuttered, but she knew I won.

"Well, I think you were. So run along, loser." I waved my hand at her face and Lia gulped and stepped out of line rushing down the hall out of embarrassment.

Laine was grinning at me so widely I thought her smile would stretch her face.

"That was awesome! Hopefully someone caught that on tape!"

The good side of me returned instantly once Laine said that.

"I hope not." I squeaked and Laine chuckled and punched my shoulder.

"Your such a two shoes." (Two shoes is short form for goody good two shoes.)

"Am not!" I growled.

By the time Laine and I purchased our tickets, the dance committee had sold out, but the line was so long that it wrapped around the hallway all the way to the front doors.

More tickets are supposed to be in by tomorrow, and I'm guessing that those will be sold out as well.

The news of Lia getting dissed by me spread like the chicken pox, and soon everyone was congratulating me.

I was quite surprised because I just assumed everyone here worshipped the bitch except for Laine and I.

But nope. Everyone hates her.

Today I overhead Jonathan's best friend, Elijah talking to Tommy Grant (you know, Laine's old date?) about some weird rumours.

Apparently Jonathan is planning on breaking up with Lia, but the reasons are unknown.

Tommy thinks it's because of what happens today, but Elijah said it was because of some nerdy girl.

My heart fluttered inside of me. For a second I thought it could be me, but that would never happen in a million years. Jonathan deserves a super hot model, not some brown haired nerd.

I stopped listening to them after that. But, if the rumours are true, imma have a party in my brain. Lia will finally get what she deserves.

I hope.

XOXO Theia


New chapter! Yay!

I can't believe I have over fifty reads!!! Let's get to a hundred please!

See you next time.


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