Chapter 6

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Dear Diary,

As mentioned before we start our Hockey into tomorrow in gym. I'm really not looking forward to it.

Today is Sunday so I'm trying to make every minute last before I have to return to school.

Jaime went to her friends house so that means I have to the while house to myself since my parents decided to go the casino again.

I was contemplating going over to Laine's house, but she got in trouble for something stupid on Friday so now she's grounded.

Come to think of it, I remember being grounded to. After mom found out about my tardy and my detentions she flipped out.

Tomorrow I really hope Jonathan asks Lia to the dance. I really like him, but I HATE Lias whining even more.

And after my horrid eating fiasco at the mall, there's probably no chance of him ever laying eyes on me again.

According to Instagram, Isabella Hudson was kicked out of Lia's group because she didn't wear pink on 'hot pink' Wednesday.

Ever since Laine declined her date to the Halloween Hop, she's set me I charge to find her the perfect date.

How am I supposed to find Laine a date to the dance? I'm a nerdy nobody that's invisible to the entire student body.

Mrs Scarfer, my Advanced Math teacher surprised us students with a pop quiz earlier today.

I'm pretty sure I aced it, but that's not the case for some of the other students in my class.

Jaime almost stole you today diary! If I hadn't stopped her from getting on the bus with my diary, she would of shared every deep dark secret with her kindergarten class during show and tell.

Ugh she's such a brat.

Why, why, why couldn't I have been an only child?!

Jonathan saw me in the halls today. He waved to me, which is an improvement from him walking past me in the halls.

I could tell Lia wasn't happy about it by the way she gave me dirty looks for the rest of the day.

As promised, Mrs Falgara started it unit in hockey today, and she said that if we don't get at least a 50% we have to take tenth grade gym class all over AGAIN.

That's a bug uh oh for me since I'm horrible at gym!!

So once she explained the rules and such, she picked Laine and Lia for team captains. Laine immediately picked me first while Lia picked her minions and Jonathan.

The teams were almost even, but when Lia picked the star hockey player of our grade, our team basically had no chance of winning.

First off, Mrs Falgara assigned me the position of offence which was a COMPLETELY HORRIBLE decision.

I don't know how the hell to play hockey, how the hell did she expect me to play offence whatever that means!

But, I had to suck it up and take my position, and coincidentally Lia had the same position as me so we were the ones who had to face off.

Twenty minutes into the game the score was tied 1-1 and there was a minute and a half left before gym class was over.

Unluckily for me, I'd been standing off to the side for almost the entire game, so I was surprised when I received the puck.

Immediately every single player on the floor started charging for me. So I did the only logical thing anyone would've done.

I screamed and flung my stuck backwards and smacked the puck into the air.

The puck went flying over everyone's heads, until it flew towards the goalie area. Guess who was the goalie? Lia.

She figured she could get extra credit just for being goalie. But she never figured somebody actually might score on her.

With ten seconds left in the clock, the puck flew towards Lias outstretched hand, but the puck maitre hit her hand with great force because she cried out and pulled back sending the puck flying towards the end of the net.

I stood there like an idiot as the team cheered and charged towards me. One minute I was standing int so feet, the next I was lying underneath eleven other people.

My team had tackled me.

And that ladies and gentlemen is why I have thirteen new bruises everywhere. :)

XOXO Theia

P.S Halloween Hop countdown: 25 days

A new chapter for you very lovely readers. ;).

Next chapter up soon.


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