Chapter 17

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Dear Diary,

This morning I tried to fake being sick, but mom must be an expert because she didn't buy it. She forced me to dress and eat and sent me on my merrily way.

Jaime got driven to school because she had a special project due, and so she couldn't walk with me. I shivered under my sweater and began my walk to school, when someone called my name.

"Theia!!" I turned around only to see Dominic running after me, smiling brightly.

I quickened my pace and left Dominic in the dust no matter how much he hollered my name. But, it didn't stop him from getting to me. As I collected my things from my locker, Dominic came up to me completely out of breath.

"Theia, I just came to sa-" Dominic was cut off by Jonathan who I hang botched was standing nearby.

"I'm sure Theia doesn't want to talk to you." He said smugly and Dominic's smile faltered.

"I know, but there is someth-"

"What could you possibly say to me?!" I yelled and the two boys turned to me surprised. "You blew me off when I was trying to apologize! What do you expect. I thought you wanted me to stay away."

"I did, but-"

"UGH you don't get it! Jonathan I want you to leave me the hell alone! Don't bother talking to me ever again! Both of-"

"LET ME FINSH!!" Dominic screamed and I stopped babbling to listen to him.

"Theia, I-"

Dominic was cut off, again, by the sound of the bell.

"Just forget it." I sighed and headed to home room, leaving the two arguing boys to their business.

The thing is diary, I feel like Dominic was trying to say something important.


The last bell rang, dismissing everyone and I left the building without Laine. She had French club after school and so I left et to speak francais with Mme Word.

I started walking home again, when a hand grabbed me roughly by my shoulder.

"Hey! Wha-" I stopped mid-sentence only to see Dominic. "I thought I told you to leave me alone!" I growled at him.

He sighed heavily.

"I know, but there is something important I have to tell you!"

"What could you possibly have to tell me?!" I screamed in frustration and Dominic looked me directly in the eyes.

"Lia told me about how you blew Jonathan off because you realized what'd you'd done and realized you liked me." Dominic blurted in a rush.


Da hell, diary this confused me as fuck.

"Excuse me?" I blinked once. Twice. Three times, but Dominic didn't laugh.

"I am really sorry Theia! I was being a jerk...and I know that's no excuse but I was just mad! I wanted you to like me so much-"

"Shut up." I said smiling widely as I crashed my lips to his.



Okay, that should be enough for tonight. I promise I'll update tomorrow my lovely readers!

OMG thanks for 400 reads! You guys are amazing!!!!!!!


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