Chapter 14

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Dear Diary,

It's been exactly five days since Dominic aka Mystery guy confessed his true feelings for me. I haven't told Laine yet, and I probably should before I run out of excuses.

I'd been telling her that Dominic had been away these past few days at school. Our lunch table wasn't the same without him, and so I wallowed in my own pity.

Laine took notice of this and was very worried. I no longer felt any joy opening my locker every morning only to see no special note fall out of the locker making Laine and I squeal in delight.

Today in school, Lia bragged about her dress to her minions as they listened, or at least tried to. Lia said she wasn't even wearing a costume, which Jonathan got angry about. So now they're both single. Again.

But really surprised me was what happened as I waited for mom to pick me up after school. Jaime had a special tea party which mom was attending so she informed me that she'd be late picking me up.

I sat on the bench in front of the school doodling aimlessly on you, diary when I noticed a figure in front of me.

"Yes?" I asked looking up only to find Jonathan staring right back at me. My breath didn't hitch, and my heartbeat didn't increase.

For the first time, I didn't feel a single spark when Jonathan Harper sat down next to me on the bench, leaning over my shoulder to see what I was drawing.

"Yes, Jonathan?" I asked slightly angry at him for no reason at all. Except for the fact that he basically ruined my relationship with Dominic.

"I was wondering if you wanted to go to the Halloween hop with me?" He asked a gleam of hope in his eyes. But, all I did was glare at him. Was he serious?!

"Are you fucking kidding me?" I replied as calm as possible.

"What?!" Jonathan asked surprised. "No I'm not. I'm very serious."

"You just broke up with Lia and you expect me to go with you to the dance?! Fuck you!" I shouted at him. "You can go and screw over another girl somewhere else."

Jonathan looked humiliated and fire and anger was evident in his eyes.

"Good, cuz I never like you anyway!" He roared and I smirked.

"Great. I'm not bothered by it. Enjoy the rest of your life." I said and strutted away from him. I don't feel a single thing when he uttered such harsh words. I didn't feel a sting of hurt.

I was truly free of Jonathan Harpers spell and I loved it!

I swear I saw a black figure watching us from the doorway, but honestly diary, I was way to pissed off to really notice. The dance is in eleven days, and still no date.

I just hope the dance committee screws up or something so that the dance is cancelled!

To bad I already bought my dress..

XOXO Theia


Whew! A new update for y'all! Sorry to keep you waiting!


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