Chapter 4

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Dear Diary,

After the whole Jaime fiasco I hope I never have to babysit her ever again. Laine said she'd be happy to take my place as babysitter but she's only saying that because she's an only child.

Lately, I've been thinking about getting a dog. Why? Well ever since Molly ate Laine and I's project, I thought that maybe if I got a dog I could get out of doing homework to.

Just simply blame it on my dog!

While that idea would totally work, I could never bring myself to not do homework. I'm so much of a goody two shoes.

During the past few school days, Jonathan still hasn't asked Lia to the school dance.

Ever since Monday, when he was supposed to ask, she's been whining about it to her minions.

It's kind of good for me and the rest of the kids she bullies because then she doesn't have time o bother with us.

Tommy Grant, Laine's date to the Halloween Hop, accidentally set Laine's shirt on fire during an experiment in science today.

Let's just say Laine is now on the market for a date.

Last night I begged mom to get me a dog but she refused. I knew she wasn't going to change her mind so I brought up the dance.

"Really? So you're going to need a costume." Mom said.

"Yeah." I shrugged.

"Well, then I'll take you shopping on Saturday. You need some new clothes anyway."

I was kind of excited to go shopping on Saturday. If hoped something good would come out of it.

Laine reported to me today that Jonathan would be at the mall on Saturday at exactly 1:00 pm and so I told mom that's the time I wanted to go shopping.

Maybe he and I will run into each other and finally talk.

But I can't get my hopes up.

Luckily today is Friday, so tomorrow mom will take me shopping.

If I pester her enough she just might by me this cute top I saw the other day at Aeropostale.

Mom hates shopping with me because she claims the stores I shop at are much to expensive for her liking.

So as a result, most of my clothes come from Walmart, and shopping from Walmart doesn't exactly help me gain social points at school.

Mrs Falgara my gym teacher says we'll be starting a unit on Hockey next week. If only next week would never come.

Well, diary, I have to go. I have so get some beauty sleep before tomorrow. If I do happen to run into Jonathan I should look good.

But when have I ever looked good?

XOXO Theia


Hey everyone! Thanks for all the reads and comments. Make sure to keep them coming. ;)

I'm trying to update as much as possible because this is kinda like a short story so it's easy to update. So don't be surprised if I spam you.



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