Chapter 23

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Dear Diary,

Right now I'm totally flipping out! I had the day off school because mom had to go to a doctors appointment and no one would look after Jaime because dad was at work.

Her school day was cancelled because the teachers are on strike or whatever.

ANYWAYS back to the point!!!! Jaime was waiting patiently for me to return downstairs to resume our game guessed it Monopoly. BUT, I'd gone upstairs just for a minute to admire my costume for the Dance which is now two days away! YIKES!!

I opened my closet door and searched and searched all the racks, but my costume was no where in sight.

"You've gotta be kidding me." I whispered.

"Theia! Mr Bob Smith is getting tired of waiting!" Jaime complained as she talked about her character.

"I'm coming, Jaime! One minute!" I hollered back as I tossed and threw various pieces of clothing out of my crammed closet.

"It's gotta be here somewhere!" I muttered. Even when my whole closet was empty, the dress was still no where.

"Theeeeia!" Jaime screamed and I almost jumped out of my skin.

I decided that I would clean up my mess after Monopoly. Mom didn't get home until 3 and it was only 1 o' clock.

"Coming!" I shouted and returned to a now whining, grumpy Jaime.

I must have lost track of time, because before I knew it, the door knob began to rattle and mom stepped through the door just as Jaime and I were tidying up the Monopoly board.

"Hello girls! How was your day." She hobbled on on her crutches and it was pretty hard not to laugh.

"Not so great. I can't find my costume for my dance this Friday." I sighed and moms head snapped to me.

"But it's hanging on your bedroom door." Mom insisted.

"What?!" I exclaimed and I had to help mom up the stairs just so she could show me.

In fact, mom was right. There on the front of my bedroom door was my costume hanging from a hook Dad had installed a few years ago.

"You've gotta be kidding me!" I smacked my forehead as mom began to open my bedroom door. "Wait-Mom don't!"

It was to late by then. Mom feel through the door and landed on the mountain pile of clothes.

"Theia!" She screamed while her voice was muffled by an old T- Shirt. "Clean this mess up!"

I helped her up as Jaime pointed and laughed at me.

"Theia got in trouble! Theia got in trouble!" She sang and I have her my death glare.

And that's how I spent the rest of my afternoon. Sorting through piles and piles of clothes while cursing my stupid costume the whole time.

So, diary we all learned a valuable lesson today. Always use the eyes that God gave you to avoid trouble. :(

XOXO Theia


Hey guys!

It's two more days until the dance! ;) the part you've all Ben waiting for.

I never realized that we hit 700 reads and our this close to 800!!! Thanks a bunch everyone!

For that I will update the next part sometime later today. So say tuned! :)


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