Chapter 26

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OCTOBER 30 Dance Part 2

Dear Diary,

The ride to the dance wasn't long, sadly. I'd never been in a limo before tonight and I wanted to stay in it for a long as possible. But unfortunately for me and my bad luck, Chuck, our driver soon pulled up in front of the school and ushered us out.

Laine and I pointed out the orangey purple sky while the boys just rolled they're heads and laughed. Now let me tell you something diary, the gymnasium was PACKED!

Anybody and everybody was there. Teachers that got stuck chaperoning were lazily walking around muttering to themselves and occasionally stealing from the refreshments table.

The theme was obviously Halloween, and at the very back of the gym was an area where the maze of haunts was set up. You could hear people shrieking and laughing. Some even fumbled out of the maze scared out of their minds!

"This is awesome!" I shouted over the loud music that was blasted out of two eleven foot speakers.

I made my way over to the refreshments table where Jonathan was. He was dressed in a simple blue tux with his hair all tousled and dis-shelved. He leaned against the table and as son as I was in sight his eyes locked on mine.

"Why, hello." He smirked at me and I decided to have some fun. This mask did wonders for me.

"Hey there handsome!" I smirked and quakes right up to Jonathan.

"What's a pretty lady like you doing within a date?" Jonathan grabbed my hand and kissed it. I shivered in disgust but kept my act going.

"I don't know. No one asked me to dance." I shrugged and Jonathan grinned.

"Would you like to dance with me, Mysterious Girl?" He chuckled.

"Sure Blue Boy!" I giggled as he lead me towards the dance floor where everyone was fast faking and having an amazing time.

I started dancing and brought out my best moves as Jonathan laughed and joined me. That's when I decided to stop playing. I grabbed his shirt and tugged him close to me. So close that our chests were touching.

"Wanna know who I am, Blue boy?" I whispered in his ear and I could hear his heart thumping from inside his chest.

"Yes." He managed to say and I smirked.

"The names Theia Andrews." I cackled and removed my mask.

"Theia?!" Jonathan asked and then he smirked.

Before I knew what was happening my head was moving forward by a sudden force and a pair of lips were on mine.

"Mghh!" I struggled to move, but Jonathan held me down and kissed me deeply never pulling away. I squirmed and squirmed but I just couldn't move.

"Theia...?" I managed to shove Jonathan off me just as Dominic said my name. "What're you-" he looked back and fourth from Jonathan and then to me.

"Dominic it's not-" I didn't even get to finish.

He dropped his cup, the liquid spilled over everywhere and Jonathan grabbed my hand.

"I think you need that date." Jonathan whispered in my ear.

"Get the fuck off me!" I pushed him away. "Leave me alone and go find your slut asshole!" I stomped away barely containing the tears. I brushed them off and stared at these of haunts. I was to angry to think straight.

I stomped over to the entrance and threw myself in the maze despite the people's protests who were waiting in line. I stumbled down a narrow path listening to the screams of horror.

"Why did I do this?!" I whispered to myself.

You see diary, I hate jump scares. Sometimes I'm just so unbelievably stupid despite my high IQ.

I wandered down the path until I came to a dead end. Footsteps echoed from somewhere behind me and I quickly panicked thinking it was Jonathan trying to get me to be his date.

I quickly retraced my steps and this time made a right turn instead of going left like before. This path was different from the last. Cobwebs hung from the ceiling and I heard the cackling of an evil clown.

"I'm coming..." The voice groaned and I shivered wondering where to go to next.

The footsteps behind me never faded, and I began to quicken my pace afraid to look behind me. The footsteps quickened as well and that's when I got scared.

"Leave me alone!" I cried turning my fast walking into running.

I didn't get to far before a rough hand grabbed my shoulders.

"I don't think your going anywhere sweetheart." Someone whispered and I was dragged the opposite way I was going.

"HELP!" I cried. "HELP SOMEONE!"
No one came to help. This was a maze of haunts after all. Everyone just think it's fake. I screamed my head off, but no one seemed to wander down the paths.

I eventually stopped, and before I was knocked out, Dominic's image hit my thoughts like a truck.

"I didn't mean it!" I moaned and that was it before I blacked it.

Yes, diary this seriously happened. But I guess you'll have to wait until next entry to see what happened to me. ;)

XOXO Theia


😱 OMG! What's going to happen to Theia?! What will Dominic and Laine do? Will Jonathan even care?!

HOLY CHEESEBALLS so many unanswered questions!!! We'll have to find out next entry! Coming soon!
And 963 reads?! Thanks so much guys! Honestly means so much to me!

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