Chapter 12

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Dear Diary,

Ever since the pumpkin patch incident, Lia has been away from school. Obviously I'm not complaining!

Though, I did revive another note from my Mystery guy, and I can't help but wonder when he will reveal himself to me.

Dearest Theia,

I saw you looking around the pumpkin patch yesterday. I was looking right at you whenever I could.

I wish I could reveal myself, but it's not that easy. You barely know me. So when I do reveal myself, please keep an open mind.

-Mystery Guy

Laine will not shut up about it, and I seriously need to bung some orange duct tape to school one of these days.

Except, mom has been checking my school bag before I leave the house everyday. She's treating me like I'm six!! Just because I got in trouble again. Can't I have at least some rebellion during my years of high school?


Recently, Jaime and I have been enrolled in swimming lessons, and so far I think it's one of moms biggest mistakes.

I have this super hot guy for my teacher (not hotter than Jonathan though!) and he was very distracting. One minute I'm looking at his gorgeous face, the next I'm staring at the tiling of the public pool while swallowing the nasty water.

Good news: I got saved by teacher and I got to be carried in his arms!

Bad news: he now thinks I'm a total clutz and nicknamed me clumsy!

Our first conversation:

"You should watch yourself, clumsy." He chuckled.

"Clumsy?! Clumsy is not my name." I exclaimed and he chuckled and left.

So yeah, no phone numbers were exchanged sadly. Not that that would ever happen!

*cough cough* mom will never get me phone *cough cough*

Today at school, I bumped into this random guy. I ended up dropping all of my books all over the floor, and he was a nice gentlemen and helped me pick them up. :)

I invited him to sit with Laine and I at lunch and he happily accepted. His name is Dominic Widimer, and since we have all of our classes together, he sat beside me.

But, he seemed to be looking at me funny.

I don't know what it means, diary but I'm determined to find out!

Now I have to go. I need to begin planning my stalker plan. And I have a quiz tomorrow.

WAIT! I have a quiz tomorrow! Yikes! See ya diary!

XOXO Theia

Next entry up!

Thanks to all of you voting and commenting I decided to update off schedule. I love reading all your supportive comments! They keep me motivated to make a good chapter for you all.

So stay tuned for the next chapter.


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