Chapter 13

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Dear Diary,

Today I received a strange note from my Mystery Guy. I'm not sure what to make of it, although it does sound pretty tempting.

Dear Theia,

There is no time for silly chat today. I have something to ask of you.

Meet me behind the school if you want some answers.

-Mystery Guy

I didn't tell Laine about it, thought I felt I should of, Diary. I was never one to keep secrets.

All day Laine was pestering me about Mystery Guys note and how she wanted to see it. But I couldn't let her see the strange note.

Everyone has been acting funny today. Lia returned to school looking happier than ever, and that could only mean one thing...

I spent the rest of the day mopping around, and listening to the horrid rumours. Lia and Jonathan has gotten back together.

The only thing I had to look forward to, was meeting my Mystery guy.

I was excited when the last bell rang, dismissing us Students. I weaved my way through the crowded hallways and exited the school from the east doors.

I hummed an old tune while walking past the busy parking lot and some fallen trees. I rounded the corner and there I saw a figure wearing a black cloak.

Fear started to come over me, but I ignored it and forced my legs to carry myself over to the person.

"Um, hello. Im here like you asked." I said timidly and the figure turned around. I gasped in shock at who it was.

"Theia?" Dominic said with a pain filled voice and a pained expression. He drew the hood hiding his face, and I spent this time really taken in his features.

Dirty blonde hair, that was tousled everywhere. Bright yellow-golden eyes that I've never seen before. Pale skin with tiny freckles dotting his face. Dominic was the definition of hot.

"DOMINIC?" I hollered in shock. "It was you?! You purposely bumped into me in the halls?!"

Dominic quickly shook his head no.

"Of course not, Theia! It was by accident. Why are you so mad?" Dominic rushed and my anger grew.

To be honest, diary I don't even know why I was mad.

"BECAUSE YOUR NOT THE PERSON I WAKT YOU TO BE!" I screamed in Dominic's face, and his expression broke my heart.

His face was masked with pain. Oh his beautiful face.

"Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'm sure now that you won't want to go with me to the Halloween Hop." He looked at me with tearful eyes and turned to walk away.

"Dominic!" I called, but his retreating figure did not turn around and come back to me.

And in this moment, I felt horrible.


Later that night, I returned home and had a hard time finishing my dinner.

No words were exchanged between me and my family and after dinner, I hurried to my room and ignored Jaime's pleas to play with her.

I sat on my bed, wallowing in my own thoughts.

It had been Dominic who had written me the sweet notes. Who had confessed his feeling for me.

My reaction was horrible, diary.

I wish I could reverse it but I can't.

I was so caught up with Jonathan, that I didn't even pay attention to those around me that might care for me as well.

To be honest, I like Dominic ten times better than Jonathan.

So why did I get so mad?

Guess what diary? Laine won't be the only one alone on the night on the dance. :(

XOXO Theia


Aw, poor Theia :(. Did you guys thing her reaction was appropriate or horrible?

Let me know what you think!

Next chapter will be out soon.


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