Chapter 16

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Dear Diary,

Nine days. Nine days till the dance. And I still have no date.

In fact, Dominic has been avoiding me ever since our little chat yesterday. I'm surprised Lia didn't mention anything about my swimming lessons, which I'm grateful for I guess.

After Lia left the bathroom, I returned to swimming lessons and tried to ignore Lia who was sitting in the lifeguard chair.

She didn't speak to me once, and I was glad when the lessons were over.

Science class was pretty interesting. Our teacher said we'd be going on more school trips, since the last one seemed entertaining enough.

During my free period I wandered the halls looking for nothing in particular when I spotted Lia talking to Dominic.

I froze in my tracks when Lia pointed to me and giggled a little as did Dominic.

Oh. No.

She had told.

I stood frozen for a moment before turning around and dashing away.

Diary, I hope to never return to school again.

XOXO Theia


Alrighty! New chappy next one coming right up!

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