Chapter 2

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Dearest Diary,

Today I had a horrible day. For one thing, I have to remember to never EVER piss of Mr Jim.

Mr Jim is my social studies teacher and everyone hates him. Even the nerds hate him which is pretty surprising.

So today, right after homeroom, I paid a visit to my locker to collect all the essentials needed for my next class which was social studies.

That's when I bumped into Lia Foster, aka the Queen Bitch of the school.

"Um what do you think you're doing?" Lia shrieked and her friends laughed.

"Trying to get to class." I said timidly and Lia smirked.

"Well, you're in my way, so move you little slut." Lia snickered and her friends continued to laugh and whisper.

"Please I just want to make it to class." I pleaded. I should've just moved like she told me to.

Why? Well:

Everyone stopped laughing and Lia gave me the meanest glare she could muster.

"Did you just disobey me?" She snarled.

I remained quiet trying not to piss her off even more.

"ANSWER ME SLUT!" Lia hollered and I felt her fist connect with my face.

"N-no." I stammered just as the bell rang.

Lia must've seen my pancakes expression by what she said next.

"Oh, look who's late for class? Hurry along, slut." Lia smirked as I picked myself up off the ground and made my way to Mr Jim's class.

He was BEYOND pissed. He ace me five detentions and a tardy.

As if I needed anymore attention. Everyone stared at me and whispered because I was never late.

And the worst part is? The person I'm utterly in love with was there to. And I just made a fool of myself.

Great going Theia!

Yeah, so that was my day diary, how was yours? I bet it sure is FUN to sit in my back pack all day.

And I've just made enemies with the most popular girl in school.

This year has gotten off on an even rougher start.

Laine says that she thinks Lia is jealous of me, and I laughed in her face.

Sometimes Laine says things that just don't make sense. Some of it can be true but Lia being jealous of me was definitely not her brightest thought.

After that, Laine and I worked on a project that we had due in science. Luckily, were in the same class so we could partner up.

I was over at her house and she has a little shitzu named Molly.

It took us a while, but eventually we finished the project. It was basically just research then putting it in our own words and stick it on some cardboard type of project.

Well, we forgot to close the door to Laine's room when we went to get some snacks, and guess who ate the project?


Don't expect an entry tomorrow, Diary. I have to go over the Laine's house again to finish up our project again.

XOXO Theia

P.S prepare yourself for the reveal of my ultimate crush


Next chapter is officially up! Hope you all enjoyed that. I'm working on the next chapter right now so it should be up soon.

See you next time.


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