Chapter 3

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Dear Diary,

Okay so I promised I would reveal my crush, so here goes. His name is Jonathan Harper.

Yes it's his real name.

Today at school he briefly passed me in the halls, and just when I thought he was going to talk to me, he walked up to Lia instead.

It felt like a slap to the face, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised. Lia asked him out last week and they've been going out ever since.

Laine says that he is an idiot if he doesn't go for me, but I think he's smart.

If you looked at me you'd notice that I'm definitely not like the other girls.

Laine and I spent that last couple of days re-creating our project that Molly ate. Laine's mom said that is was just an accident, but if you see the way Molly walks around these days, you'd think differently.

While I was in the bathroom, I overheard Lia's minions talking about a school dance.

Here's what I heard:

"Jonathan is totally going to ask Lia to the Halloween Hop Dance-A-Thon."

"Why are they even having this dance again?"

"To raise some money for some stupid charity. The tickets are like ten bucks each!"

Then, they slathered on ten layers of the new 'Sasha's Divalicious Smelly Lipstick' on and left.

So there's a Halloween Hop huh?

I felt crushed knowing that Jonathan is going to be asking Lia instead of me.

But the odds aren't really in my favour.

Sure enough, later that day posters were all over the place about the Halloween Hop.

Laine already has a date. He's some guy from her Biology class that she's liked for a while.

The worst part of today? I have to babysit my little sister named Jaime!


I just cannot believe that my sox-year old sister managed to ruin my evening!

Mom and Dad decided to go out on a 'date' because they claim they haven't spent much time together because of us kids.

But, I know where they're really going.

They usually go to the casino every Wednesday to try and win some money.

So far, Dad has won $40. That just proves that my family doesn't have much luck.

Jaime wanted to play a board game, so I happily agreed trying not to get her angry.

Whenever Jaime is angry, it's not a pretty sight. She throws a level 100 tantrum and her scream is so high pitched it once broke all the widows in the house.

Dad was not to happy about replacing every single window, but since Jaime was only 3 and a half at the time, she got off scoot free.

It's times like this where I wish I could still be young and get away with everything!

Jaime said that she wanted to play Monopoly like the children on Mr Telly (what she calls the TV) and so I set it up and explained the rules to her.

She must've not been listening, because as soon as we started playing she scooped all the money from the bank (a cardboard box I'd found) and dropped it in a pile next to her.

The she cheekily smiled and said, "I win."

"Jaime, that's not how the game works." I tried to take the money back but she started to scream.

"Okay, okay I won't touch it!" I exclaimed and Jaime instantly stopped screaming.

"Goody!" She cheered. I swear she's bipolar and just plain crazy.

The other day, she drew app over her bedroom walls claiming she's an artist.

If scribbling is what you call 'perfect art' then everyone would be rich by now.

Anyways, we continued playing Monopoly the Jaime way for the next twenty minutes until Jaime went to the bathroom.

She was gone for quite some time so I started to get worried.

I ran up the stairs calling Jaime's name when I heard some giggling coming from my room.

Sighing I relief, I opened the door only to find Jaime drawing all over my clothes in PERMANENT marker.

I screamed and snatched the marker out of Jaime's hand. Luckily she only managed to destroy three tops!

Well, Mom didn't see what the problem was and said I should respect Jaime's art.

So once again while Jaime did something wrong, I still got into trouble.

To all those only children out there, you should be glad you don't have a sibling.

So yeah, Diary. Hopefully I can find out more about this dance, and if Jonathan asked Lia out yet.

Anyways goodnight.

XOXO Theia


Hey everyone!

This will be the last chapter for tonight.

Don't forget to hit that vote button and comment any thoughts.

See you next time.


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