Merry Christmas from Theia Andrews!

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Hello everyone, it's been a while hasn't it? I'm writing this entry because I do miss writing in this story and don't worry I promise I will update the sequel soon.

So without further ado enjoy a very merry Christmas from Theia herself.

Hope you enjoy the Christmas holidays peeps!



Dear Diary,

Today is Christmas Eve and I can hardly contain my excitement! Although I wasn't to happy when mom woke me up super duper early this morning. 

She claimed that Jaime didn't take pictures with Santa yet, and so we had to hurry before the mall closed around noon.

Closing at noon is pretty stupid if you ask me. I mean it's Christmas Eve. Do these stores want more money or not?

"Jaime why'd you have to pick today to take pictures with Santa?" I whined and Jaime grinned.

"Mommy said that you have to take them with me." Jamie smiled and I nearly choked on my oatmeal.

It's bad enough that I'm a total dork at school, but taking pictures with Santa will totally ruin my reputation, diary!!!

"Mom!" I called angrily as Jaime skipped up the stairs to play one of her messed up games.

"What is it, Theia? I'm sort of in a rush!" Mom replied whizzing by and filling out forms and tossing random junk into her over-sizes purse.

"Why do I have to take pictures with Santa? I'm almost sixteen!" I whined but mom simply ignored my protests like she always does and forced me to wear a black knee length dress with a big ass red boy in front of it.

I looked like I was six! And to make matters worse Jaime was wearing the exact same dress!

"Aw you girls look so cute!" Mom gushed and snapped a picture before ushering us kids into the car.

I made an oath that when we returned home I would smash the camera to pieces and burn Santa's photo if it was the last thing I ever did!!

When we arrived at the mall I was surprised to find it basically deserted.

Usually on Christmas Eve, the mall is packed diary. But not today.

"Cmon girls, the line might be long." Mom said worriedly.

Long? There was only three people in line!

The poor Santa dude looked so worn and tired that I almost felt bad for him. But, I felt bad for myself more because I was basically committing Social suicide.

"Next." The lady I front of the camera called. She looked un-welcoming and grumpy as did the rest of the staff that helped Santa.

"Mom?" I whined but she shoved me through the stupid gold gates and towards the dark , giant red chair that Santa sat on.

"Santa!" Jaime cried and threw er arms around Santa's neck looking like she was choking him.

"Alright, little girl what's your name?" He asked once he peeled Jamie's arms off.

"Jaime and I want a Princess Sugar Plum for Christmas!" Jaime declared and he chuckled.

"Very good." And then he looked at me and chuckled some more while I just scowled. 

"And you miss what would you like for Christmas?"

To get out of this ridiculous dress and go home before I have to take this stupid lame picture with you who isn't even the real Santa.

"Gift cards." I huffed out just really wanting to go home.

"Alright time for the picture." The unhappy staff chorused.

"Jaime?" I called. "Jaime where'd you go? We have to take the picture!"

I searched around for my disorder but she was no where in sight. Santa even seemed slightly panicked that the six year old was missing.

"Theia!" Jaime called. We looked up in horror only to see Jaime swinging from the giant banner over Santa's throne that read North Pole.

"Jaime! Get down young lady." Mom called, furious.

"Time for the picture." The staff lady said not caring that Jaime was swinging on the banner for her life!

The people in the line ups gasped and screamed when Jaime swung down off the banner just as the photo was snapped.

"Here you are ma'am. Next." The staff lady handed mom the horrifying photo.

My face looked surprised and sacred as my mouth formed a perfect 'o' and Jane was smiling sweetly on the ground while the banner toppled over and the people in the crowds shrieking.

Maybe this Christmas wouldn't be so boring I've after all.

Merry Christmas!

XOXO Theia

Merry Christmas ya filthy animals' an' a happy new year!

Merry Christmas guys! Hope you got everything you wanted. :)


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