Chapter 20

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Dear Diary,

I told Jaime to keep her mouth shut about the whole Fred incident but that proved to be a challenge during breakfast this morning.

"So girls how was last night?" Mom asked cheerfully as she dished out the pancakes and passed around the syrup.

"Freddy almost died!" Jaime exclaimed and Dad chocked on his pancake while mom stared at me.

"What did she say, Theia?" Mom asked sternly.

"What Jaime meant to say was that we were playing princess and castles while Fred was in his tank and one of the Knights almost slaughtered him, right Jaime?" I asked, giving Jaime a look.

"No, Fred-" I kickedJaime under the table. "Oh yeah! I remember now!" Jaime smiles innocently and so do I and mom and dad shrug.

"You girls have some imagination." Mom said.

"We sure do." I muttered thinking of Fred all alone up in that tank.

"Alright girls! It's Sunday and you're father has some work to take care of, so let's leave him be and do something fun!" Mom clapped her hands together enthusiastically.

"Like what?" I asked curiously.

"Like, go to sky-zone!" Mom cheered and went to grab her coat.

"What's a sky-zone?" Jaime asked but, mom was already pulling us out the door.

••• (represents a small time skip)

We pulled up in front of a large building with the words SKY-ZONE printed on the front. Jaime bounced in her car seat, and I just rolled my eyes and stepped out of the car.

"Mom, why can't we just stay home and be quiet for him, like usual?" I asked.

"Because I'm taking you, so you can appreciate it young lady." Mom said sharply and lead me to the front entrance.

It was crammed in there! Kids with bright orange coloured socks ran around as parents and staff chased them.

We lined up at the front desk and my mom spoke to the lady about our jumping sections and whatever. I barely listened.

Soon, I found myself in a pair of my own bright coloured orange socks with Jaime tugging my hand to the main trampolines section where children and adults jumped happily on the trampolines.

I have to admit, it was kind of fun. Jaime did flips and bum drops and I spun around in the air and jumped off walls. It was all fun and games until mom began jumping in the trampolines section!!!

Yes, diary she did!!

"Theia! Do you think I can do those floppy things like Jaime?!" She yelled waving to me, but I bounced the other way and pretended not to hear.

"Do the flippy things mommy!" Jaime exclaimed and clapped her hands.

"I supposed I shall!" Mom shouted and I turned around just in time to see her land on her foot and to hear a sickening crunch.

"MOM?!" I yelled as the medics came in and whisked her away.

Mom smiled at me laughing hysterically and a few tears slipped from her eyes.

"That was fun!" She cried as she was loaded into the ambulance.

And that was my weekend.

XOXO Theia


Haven't updated in a while and I apologize! I've been sick and busy with school and dance lessons so please just go easy on me. :(

New chapter out soon so don't fret!


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