Chapter 25

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OCTOBER 31 Dance Part 1

Dear Diary,

The dreaded/most exciting day ever finally arrived. I woke up from a thrilling and exerting dream where Dominic was...maybe I shouldn't go into details about that, diary.

Mom nagged me about having everything ready for when I returned from school. I laid out my salsa dancer costume on my bed while Jaime went to fetch a mask she'd made me.

Honestly, diary I really want to see just how 'hard' Jaime worked on this special mask she made especially for me. I'm getting tired of that phrase ever since she used it yesterday when she made her DELICIOUS sandwich.

"Theia! Here's your mask!" Jaime skipped into my room and dropped a cardboard box onto my bed. "Open it!"

I carefully opened the box not wanting to rip it, being the neat freak I am. I was pretty impressed when I saw tissue poking out after the lid was removed.

"Jaime did mom help you do this?" I asked easing my right eyebrow in Jaime's direction. She fidgeted nervously and played with the gem of her new Justice skirt.

"Maybe." She replied cheekily. I just smiled and tossed the tissue paper on my bed and Rummaged around the box until I felt something velvety attached to an elastic band.

I picked up the Mask and gasped in pure shock. The mask was shaped like an oval with two eye wholes. Gold lining lined the rims of the mask with a blood red elastic dangling from the back f the mask. It was completely covered in black velvet and gold and red swirls danced around the mask like a brightly lit fire.

"Jaime..." I whispered as a bead of sweat rolled down Jaime's chubby, red cheeks. She was definitely nervous. I almost laughed, diary. "I LOVE IT!"

I gave my sister a HUGE bear hug so tight I think her face just about turned green. After, is shooed her out of my room so I could get ready for school.

"Theia! Cmon the bus doesn't wait!" Mom yelled from downstairs.

She couldn't drive me today because Jaime had a doctors appointment. But she promise to be home when I returned from a sucky day of school. Just maybe it wouldn't be so sucky with the events happening.

I climbed onto the grubby bus and prayed that I was the last stop so I could get off this horrid thing sooner. Laine soon joined me and we chatted excitedly about the dance and how we were going to do our hair.

"This is going to be great! Everything worked out!" Laine said just as the bus pulled up in front of our school. Everyone clambered to get off the bus and scurry into school to end the day fast.

I barely listened to the teachers drone on about boring stuff we probably won't ever have to sue in life. Instead, Dominic and I stared at each others the whole time which we often got in trouble for.

"Miss Andrews, I would really appreciate it if you paid attention to me and not your boyfriend." Mr Jim scolded during class, and everyone burst into laughter.

Well, everyone except Jonathan. Even Dominic and I couldn't stop laughing. Then, my thoughts started thinking of something else. When was Dominic going to ask me to be his girlfriend? If he liked me so much..

"I still don't get why you would want to go to the dance with him." Jonathan rolled his eyes as Lia shrieked.

"Jonathan Harper! You're suppose to go to the dance with me!" Lia squeaked an the whole class quieted down as Laine, Dominic and I tried not to laugh our arses off.

"And Lia, I told you I don't want to go with you!" Jonathan said in defeat.

I watched as Lia helplessly fanned her eyes trying not to ruin er perfect makeup.

"This is a nightmare!" She cried and rushed out of the room. "And this is all Theias fault!"

Mr Jim watched in amusement as she left and turned back to the class.

"Now who would like to tell me how American forces were prompted to fight in the war?" Mr Jim asked and the bell rand dismissing us for lunch.

"Now that was something." I laughed with Dominic and Laine all the way to the cafeteria.


Ten, nine, eight, seven, six, five, four, three, two, one!

I counted down the seconds until the last bell rang, releasing us from this prison. I raced out of the classroom and looked for Laine who was supposed to come home with me so we could get ready at the same time.

"Laine, oh Laine!" I called merrily skipping down the hall until I accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh, I'm so-" I stopped mid-sentence only to find that is bumped into nine other than the famous Lia.

"Out of my way, Theia! I'm trying to find my boyfriend!" Lia screeched like a deranged banshee and scurried down the hall.

I shrugged her off and continued my search until I found Laine at her locker, collecting her textbooks and costume and makeup she'd brought along with her.

"Let's go, my mom is waiting." I teased and Laine rolled her eyes.

We exited the school from the West entrance and found my moms car idling in front of the school.

"There you are ladies, I was starting to get worried." Mom said as we climbed in the backseats.

"Mom!" I sighed heavily and Laine giggled.

As I have Said before, my mom still thinks I'm three years old! We drove home as quick as possible and Laine and I skipped an after school snack to get ready.

The dance was going from 5-10 pm and so we had less than two hours to get ready! Laine and I took turns showering and we blow dried out frizzy hair.

Once it was dry, I began curling my hair as Laine straightened hers. Laine insisted on doing SOMETHING with my hair and so she threw it up in a half bun and left some strands dangle at the side of my face.

We applied natural make up with nude lipstick and we were slipping on our shoes just as the doorbell rang.

I ran to the door and swing it open only to come face to face with a handsome Dominic in his tux. We decided to go as matching  costumes.

"Ah, I barely recognized you Theia my lovely salsa dancer!" He joked.

"You to!" I laughed. I noticed that we were wearing similar masks. Probably Mom and Jaime's doing.

"Well, are you girls ready? Tom and I have everything set up in the limo!" Dominic said.

Did I forget to mention that they rented a limo for us diary? Guess I did.

"Well what're we waiting for? Let's go!"

We all laughed and made our way to the limo. The fun was just about to start!

XOXO Theia


Sorry to leave you hanging there folks! Aha alas the part you've all been waiting for and we are almost there!

What do you think will happen? Next chapter should be out soon! Hope you enjoyed this extended chapter/diary entry.

-Axx :)

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