Chapter 21

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Dear Diary,

Today was a Monday and everybody hates Monday's. And to think the dance was this Friday.

I was absolutely VERY nervous, diary. School was even worse because they had all those cheesy posters up everywhere! One was even on my locker, which Dominic happened to take before I even read it.

But it didn't matter since they were all over the school. 

Halloween Hop!

Join us this Friday, October 31, 2015 for our annual Halloween Hop!

Tickets are on sale this very minute for 14.95. Your donation will help kids around the world to overcome illnesses and get out of poverty.

So don't miss the SPOOKY dance  this coming Friday!!

Laine was practically snorting like a pig on a farm while I read the whole thing aloud.

Unfortunately for us, Ms Isabelle, our librarian came bounding 'round the corner just as Laine and I were heading to lunch.

"Ah there you are girls! I've been looking for you everywhere!" She chirped leading is back towards the library.

"You have?" I asked and she nodded.

"Those books don't stack themselves!" She flicked her finger in the air and pointed to a cart completely full of books.

"Ms Isabelle, we aren't-" I started but was cut off.

"Nonsense girls! I hired you last week!" She advised. She left us along with the cart.

"Uh what the hell?" Laine said and I burst out laughing.

Ms Isabelle must have been mistaken! She didn't hire us! That was when Lia and her friends just happened to stroll into the library.

"Hi girls! Just here to drop off some books." Lia said and rushed out of the library with her friends giggling behind her.

My eyes boggled at the pile of books they'd just left.

"They set us up." Laine sighed.

"Screw this! I'm not stacking ANY of these books."

I searched the library for a pen and a pad and quickly scribbled a quick note to Ms Isabelle.

Dear Ms Isabelle,

We're sad to say that you were mistaken in hiring us for this incredible job.

But, you see Laine and I have a social life and cannot stack these books especially when Lia Foster has set us up.

Good day Ms Isabelle,

Theia Andrews and Laine Park

Laine said the note sounded like it's been typed on a computer, but I brushed her off and shoved the note underneath the stack of books Lia had left behind and we finally made our way to Lunch.

"Hey Theia!" Someone called and I turned around to see Dominic.

"Hey!" I greeted and Laine smirked and left us alone.

"The dance is on Friday." Dominic began, his cheeks turning pink.

"I know." I said as the nervousness hit me like a truck.

"I was thinking of renting a limo or something." Dominic says looking me straight in the eye.

"You don't have to do that for me!" I chuckled. His expression remained serious.

"But you deserve it." He reasoned and I could already feel my cheeks burning red like a tomato.

"That's so sweet of you to say!" I said.
That's when things got steamy.

My eyelids slid shut and Dominic and I leaned closer and closer until...


The ring of the bell made us both jump apart in surprise, and the awkwardness it left us with was not nice.

"Well, um see you 'round." Dominic scratched his neck nervously and dashed to his next class.

Stupid bell!

And to think diary, I almost had my second kiss!!

School was a bore after all that. Just homework, homework, homework.

Mom had driven me him from school, and I completed all my homework and finally got to crash in my oh, so comfy bed.

Appreciate your bed, diary because it keeps you warm! Actually, I'm not sure diary's have a bed.

Oh well.

XOXO Theia


Don't work peeps! The part you've all Been waiting for is coming!

UGH! Dominic and Theia almost kissed again!


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