Chapter 22

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Dear Diary,

This morning I revived a very strange phone call. I was rushing around the house trying to get ready for school because me being a dumbo forgot to set my alarm!! :(

Anyways, since mom obviously won't get me a phone, the land line was ringing and my stubborn mother didn't want to pick it up because she was 'tired.'

So of course I had to pick it up.

"Hello, Andrew residence." I answered while brushing my teeth so it sounded more like "hello bando kesikens."

"Theia? Is that you?" Jonathan asked from the other line and at that very moment I spat out my tooth paste.

"Jonathan?!" I exclaimed. "Why are you calling me at 7:30 in the morning?! I'm a little busy!"

I poured some corn pops into a square bowl while Jaime prepare our lunches with mom.

"Because, I just don't get why you would go to the dance with someone like Dominic when you could go with someone like me!"

My brain basically just face palmed itself. Was he seriously still on that chapter? I thought we'd moved on from then.

"Well, that's something you have to figure out. Anyways I think I have to go now. Oh wait I do. Bye!" I faked saying it cheerfully before slamming the phone backdown on the receiver.

"Who was that?" Mom asked.

"Post man." I answered quickly before jumping in the car to head to school.

School wasn't all that bad except for the fact that we had gym again today. Our gym teacher Mr Freeman was not a very jolly guy, so us students were already dreading changing into those silly, nasty uniforms right after lunch.

"Line up! Today we're playing dodgeball your favourite sport!" He yelled and gathered all 48 of us into a line.

I ended being on Lias team along with Jonathan, Dominic and Laine as well. I mustn't have been paying attention because before you know it:

"Andrews, get your head in the game!" Mr Freeman screamed at me.

I took my was out of the clouds long enough to spot a purple dodgeball come flying at me straight towards my face.

I ducked just in the nick of time, and realized that I was now the only one on my team.

"Cmon Theia!" Dominic and Laine cheered while Jonathan and Lia just watched me like a hawk.

"Don't screw it up, T!" Lia sang and snickered with her friends. She really hasn't changed much.

Three members were left on the other side of the gym and I waited patiently as they threw the last of their balls to my side. I picked up three dodges balls and made my way to the line that separates the two teams.

"Cmon Theia! Throw them already!" Tom Grant laughed knowing that I wasn't very athletic.

But, something sparked within me giving me power to throw these stupid balls at Toms face.

"Fine I will!" I shouted and aimed the ball straight at Toms laughing face. It hit him square in the nose and I laughed hysterically as I watched him drag himself over to the "pity bench" where Mr Freeman told him to man up.

Two girls were left. One of them was a shy girl, and the other was a Lia minion.

I threw the ball at the Lia minion and watched as she pathetically tried to catch the ball, but as she tried she managed to break a nail and got herself a free ticket to the pity bench.

Now it was just shy girl and me.

"Please go easy on me." She whispered.

"CRUSH HER!" Lia cupped her mouth and screamed at me.

"Sorry, but my boss tells me otherwise." I shrugged and hurled the ball right for Shy Girls stomach.

And that was it.

I Theia Andrews had just won a dodgeball game for my team. Not to mention an A+ in gym!

Yeah, diary so I can cross win a dodgeball game off my bucket list.

But I can't cross out don't get nervous for a school dance just yet!

XOXO Theia


That's all the updates for today but I hope to see you guys again reading tomorrow's updates.

Only three more days till the dance ;).


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