Chapter 5

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Dear Diary,

Mom woke me up bright and early this morning, which I wasn't to happy about but she mentioned shopping and that word alone brightened my day.

At exactly 1:00 pm, mom pulled up into a parking spot at Sun View Mall just a couple of blocks from where we live.

As we walked to the west entrance I searched for Jonathan's car, but it was no where to be found.

My steps were a lot slower as we neared the mall.

The first store we went into was Party City, but nothing there caught my eye.

Mom suggested I should be a cowgirl which just proves she still thinks I'm five.

On Friday Lia bragged to the entire student boy that she was going as an angel, but she's anything but. She's like a King Cobra on heels.

We visited a ton of stores but still nothing caught my eye. On the night side, mom bought me five new tops and six pairs of skinny jeans.

We ended up passing Pets Smart and as soon as I looked at mom she said,


After countless hours of walking,mom said it would be alright if we stopped by the food court and got a 'snack.'

By snack she meant gourmet meal! Well, I guess McDonalds isn't really gourmet but whatever.

But, here comes the embarrassing part...

While I was busy stuffing my face like some wild animal, I felt a pair of eyes on me. At first I thought it was some three you old mesmerized by my fast eating, but I was very wrong.

I looked up and saw that Jonathan was watching me eat while Lia cling to him like some piece of lint.

I blushed profusely and Jonathan smiled politely and waved. Lia whispered something in his ear and dragged him out of McDonalds.

I was glad. Jonathan didn't need to see anymore of my horrid eating skills.

In the time he was looking at me, my mouth dangled open for to severe shock. Some food fell out of my mouth along with some drool due to Jonathan's good looks.

Curse his good looking parents!

After eating, mom insisted that we stop at one more store before completely giving up.

We entered a store called Gimpy A's and the moment we entered I found the perfect costume.

"This one!" I shoved the costume bag in moms face.

"A salsa dancer?" Mom questioned and I nodded. "Alright."

We soon left the mall and the minute we got home I called Laine right away.

Now all we needed was dates.

Well the only person I want, just witnessed me acting like a total slob. :(.

Halloween Hop countdown: 26 days


Woo! Next chapter is up!

Goals for his book: 100 reads and 50 votes.

Please help me get there!


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