Chapter 28

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Dear Diary,

This month has definitely been one hell of a month!

Between the Halloween Hop, The Mystery guy, Lia, Jonathan, friends, family and let's not forget the hellhole called school I think this moth has been very hectic!

Today is Saturday and Mom and Dad decided we needed more family fun time. We're going swimming at the beach.

But get this, diary! Mom allowed me to bring Dominic and Laine along with me!

"But I thought this was family fun time!" I gasped in shock once mom had dropped the bomb on me.

"Theia, you've shown me you can be very responsible this past month. Even though you have been a bet rebellious." Mom chuckled.

Did I mention I'm grounded for a week because of the Halloween party being switched over to my house? Guess not...

"But we all get rebellious in high school." Mom continued her speech. "It's the special people that pull through."

I jumped for joy at that part!

So now here I am at the beach with Laine who's splashing me and Dominic whose eyeballs still haven't returned to normal size due to me being in a bikini.

My life is perfect! After all it's November now. What could possibly go wrong?


Uh oh..

Gotta go diary! But never fear I'll definitely write soon!

XOXO Theia


NOOOO it's the end! I'm soooo sad.

I don't know how much to thank you guys! Its been a please entertaining you all!

Thanks so much for all your comments reads and votes! I appreciate it all!

Oh yes and for the surprise....well stay tuned for the next update ;).


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