Chapter 24

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Dear Diary,

I'm starting to wonder if I'll ever be cured of my nervousness disease! The nerves are swallowing me up whole like a bunch of termites chipping away at some rotting wood!

This morning when I woke up, Jaime had volunteered to make breakfast and so I had no choice but to eat her nasty pickle and jelly sandwich!

"Mom I think I'm going to get some sort of unknown disease from eating that!" I whispered to mom as Jaime hummed 'Bad Blood' and made another one of her disgusting sandwiches.

"Honey just eat it for her sake." Mom whispered back and I just stared at the sandwich.

"Theia, when are you going to try my sandwich? I made especially for you!" She held up the bright pink plate as the slop inside the sandwich fell onto the floor, staining it.

"Oh look at the time! Gotta go!" I yelled and rushed out the door before Jaime or mom could protest.

I walked the five blocks to school trying not to throw up from the nasty image of the sandwich I my head. I don't know what mom was thinking when she let Jaime make breakfast! I pushed open the heavy school doors and met Laine by her locker.

The school day was so boring that I was jumping out of my skin when the lunch bell rang. I left my social studies classroom and was in my way to lunch, when an arm reached out and grabbed me.

BUT, before I even had time to scream a hand slapped over my mouth and I was dragged into a classroom.

I was spun around and was met face to face with gorgeous familiar eyes I've become accustomed to.

"Dominic?!" I screamed. "You scared the shit out of me you asshole!"

He just laughed his arse off while I glared at him evilly.

"Y-your face!" He gasped from laughter and I wanted to punch his pretty little face so bad!!! "Cmon T, it was funny."

"It wasn't!" I crossed my arms sneering and turned away from him.

"I know what will make you feel better." Dominic whispered smirking.

"And just what-" I was cut off by lips crashing against mine. Right then and there, all my anger vanished as I focused on kissing Dominic.

Dominic kissed me fiercely and passionately, and I felt myself being lifted up onto a desk. Everything was going great until...

BRIIIING! The stupid bell rang signalling that lunch was now over! Dominic pulled away from me and rested his forehead on mine as our breaths were in unison and we stare into each others eyes.

"Guess I have to go." I whispered and Dominic chuckled.

"I guess you do." He kissed my cheek softly and left the classroom leaving me in complete bliss.

Diary, I never wanted that moment to end, but it did all because we spent the whole lunch making out. Laine was livid. As soon as the last bell rang she was questioning me as if I was a criminal!

"Theia Andrews how DARE YOU leave me hanging during lunch!" She yelled and screamed at me as we were walking out of the school.

"My love life came up, and I've apologized a million times already Laine!" I sighed and Laine instantly perked up.

"Love life?! WHAT HAPPENED!" She grabbed my arm and hung off of it whining like a little three year old. "Please tell me, T!"

"Some things just cannot be shared." I smiled and winked at Laine as I got into Moms car and drove away leaving Laine screaming at me some more as her mom tried to calm her down.

"So....anything interesting happen at school today?" Mom asked with the light music playing in the background.

"A few things." I replied.

"Care to share?" Mom questioned.

"I think not." I smiled smugly and mom just looked at me.

"Whatever you say, Theia."

My nerves have definitely calmed a bit diary, but not so much that I'm not totally flipping out! I just hope Lia or Jonathan don't ruin it for me :(.

XOXO Theia


Hey guys! I know this is a long overdue update! But do not fear the dance chapter will be written in three different parts.

So don't be overwhelmed if the next three chapters our long and they will all be the same date!

Until then,


Diary of a Love Sick Teenage GirlWhere stories live. Discover now