Chapter 18

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Dear Diary,

I couldn't wipe that stupid smile off my face all day yesterday. It got so creepy, that mom even started questioning me.

After Dominic and I, YOU KNOW diary, he asked me to the dance a second time, but this time I said yes!!! AHHHH!

What confuses me most is that Lia was the mystery person watching it all go down with Jonathan and I. Why would she help me?

And so I asked her in school today.

"Lia, I just wanted to ask...why the hell did you help me with Dominic?" I blurted and Lia turned around surprised.

For once, her minions were elsewhere and Jonathan, well u didn't care where the hell he was.

"I don't know. Maybe it's because I'm not completely evil. This doesn't mean I'm not done with you...nerd!" Lia said and smiled slightly before walking to class.

"Bitch!" I yelled and she laughed and I did to.

"Later, Theia!"

So, maybe Lia isn't a complete bitch but she definitely hasn't change to drastically.

Today, during lunch, Dominic sat with Laine and I during lunch, and Laine squealed when we sat a little closer than normal ;).

Turns out in science class (where all the action is!) while I was out in the washroom, Tom Grant, (Laine's old date!) accidentally lit Laine's shirt on fire again!!

But get this, he asked Laine to the dance, and Laine saw how cruel she was to let a guy Like Tom go.

So now we both have dates! U just hope this dance goes well, because I have this feeling something is gonna happen.

But you know, me diary. I could just be extremely nervous.

XOXO Theia


Yeah it's short, but it's kinda a filler. Who's ready for the dance yet? I DEFINITELY am!!!


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