What Is My Power?

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Chapter 1 - What's My Power?

"Look, I think she's waking up." A rough, scratchy voice spoke.

"Yeah, I think she is." Another voice chimed in, "Can you hear me?" He sounded young and husky.

Mia's eyelids felt like bricks. Every time she would blink it felt like she had sand in her eyes. She blinked some more, an attempt to get rid of the sleepiness and the blurriness. As her vision cleared she could see the two men in front of her. One was a much older gentleman that she didn't recognize and the other was the young man from the cafe. The one she almost hit with her car. The same guy who was chasing those shadow figures. Why did he keep popping up in her life all of a sudden? Now that she could see him up close he was handsome as hell. She blushed in response. His shaggy blonde hair sat messy on top of his head. Not too messy to be considered unflattering just enough to be considered attractive. His eyes were a piercing blue, that she swore looked right into her soul. She felt very nervous around him like he knew all her secrets. He was taller than her, which meant he was at least six feet because Mia was 5'11. His body was toned, you could see every muscle underneath his clothing now that he was no longer wearing the long trench coat from before.

The older gentleman looked ancient yet Mia could tell he would be able to hold his own in a fight. His hair was as white as snow and his face had a large scar that went through his right eye down the side of his right cheek. The eye with the scar was protected by a simple black eye patch that went around his head. Mia could tell he wasn't blind because he made perfect eye contact with his uncovered eye, yet his eyes were gray. His frame was muscular, like in the past he could have been a retired wrestler.

She realized she was propped up in a comfortable bed, pillows all around her and covered with blankets. The room was large with elegant crown molding along the roof. The ceiling was tall and had a crystal chandelier in the centre that sparkled when the light hit it. The room's decor made her feel like she was in the Queen's living quarters. It is way too fancy for her taste.

"W-where am I?" Mia said, puzzled. Her voice sounded like she hadn't spoken in days; harsh and brutal.

The two men looked at one another before the older one said, "You are in Hearus. A place where every creature is protected. I wouldn't advise you to get up too fast, you should take it easy. There is a lot of information to tell you."

"'Where every creature is protected'?" she quoted him, "What do you mean by that? Where am I really and who the hell are you guys?" At this point, she started to get angry. She didn't know where she was and she was surrounded by strangers. The last thing she remembered was getting home from work.

"It's okay. You have nothing to fear while you are here. My name is Samuel, but please call me Sam," The older man said before pointing toward the younger man, "and this is Kayne. Once again, we are in Hearus. It is a building in the human world with protective magic surrounding it. As long as the magic stays strong, then we are protected."

It took a moment for the word magic to register, "What the hell does that even mean?" She asked.

He let out a small laugh, obviously amused by her reaction, and said, "You will learn everything shortly. For now, you need to rest."

"What if I don't want to rest? I have so many questions." Mia said exasperated. She couldn't believe what was happening to her. She noticed a glass of water on the bedside table and greedily took a sip. Her throat felt like the Sahara Desert. She swallowed and the cool sensation circulated her body. It didn't last long, however, because her head started to ache. She reached up to her forehead and to her surprise, she found stitches. She started to remember what happened when she got home from work that day. She remembered falling to the ground which is when she must have bashed her head.

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