Darn You Werewolf!

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Mia's POV

Jane's kick sent James flying into a nearby tree. Since he is a werewolf and all, it didn't do that much damage. If he was a regular human being, his back would of cracked leaving his paralyzed and he would slowly die a slow painful death. Too much detail?

One of the girls on James side turns into a werewolf and starts to attack Zara. The werewolf girl was beautiful, her fur looked well kept and is the color of brown, right when the sun hits the earth, or in this case moon. I could tell she was deadly though, Zara has her work cut out for her.

A male werewolf attacks Kayne and me, our blades ready to attack. He is a lot bigger than the female werewolf and is a darker shade of brown. His massive claw comes towering over me. I'm about to slice at him when Kayne comes in with his telekinesis and takes all the fun away. "Hey!" I shout some what playfully.

All he does is shrug and continues to attack him. I slowly walk around the male werewolf to jump him from behind when a girl stands in front of me, "Oh no you don't." She tells me.

Oh yes I do! I unsheathe my katana from my back and hold it firmly, blocking her kick with the side of the blade.

She attacks again but with her blade, we slash at each other for a minute or two before we come to the conclusion to break apart. She is breathing slightly heavy while I lean on my katana which is wedged into the earth.

She smirks, "I guess you have some skills in you."

My turn to smirk, "This is nothing." I focus my energy on the earth below her feet and it moves up like a puller, heading towards the moon, I do the same to the earth under me. From up here I can see Kayne fight against the werewolf man with some difficulty and Zara doing just fine against her enemy werewolf. I'm mostly worried about Jane and her brother James, can she defend herself?

"H-how can you do this?" The girl asks.


Her eyes widen as I start to float up in the sky, letting the wind guide me. Clouds cover the moon, making it pitch back, perfect. I hear her drop her sword and I almost start laughing. I'm not that scary am I?

My sword slices her flesh, at first small slashes then deeper and deeper.

She wails in pain, wishing I would stop.

"I'm over here." She turns to my voice, "Now I'm over here." She turns again. This time she manages to catch my throat with her blood covered hand. She may look fragile, but she has one strong grip.

The clouds start to leave the moon and I can now see her body. The blood dripping from her cuts, blood mostly gushing out the cut above her eyebrow. She keeps one eye closed so the blood doesn't sting, smart girl.

"L-let go of me." I breathe out.

"How about, no." Her grip on my neck becomes tighter and I lose control of my body, fighting for air. I drop my katana to the ground below me as she holds me over the edge of the pillar. We are about 100 feet in the air, this will not be a pretty fall. She starts choking and soon see a hand sticking out of her body, holding her heart. She goes numb and the last thing I see before I fall is Cody, ripping his hand out of the girls body.

I breathe for air trying to focus on my power but I cant. Adrenalin trying to push me to breathe. I finally catch my breathe but its too late, I'm to close to the ground to slow down or even be fully stopped. My pillars fall now that I can't focus my energy on them either. I wait for the end of my life as I hit the ground.

I wait for the impact to come but it doesn't. I open my eyes and find myself in the arms of Cody. A loud boom echos around me as the pillars finally hit the ground around us. "How did you-?"

I look around the debris and find the motionless body of the werewolf girl I was just fighting.

"I finished her off. I could see, even from all the way up there, that you needed help. The way the moon shone on you though, just beautiful. Anyway, I climbed as fast as I could up the pillar and ripped the girls heart out, sadly letting you fall. I didn't know if I could make it back down before you but I managed and I caught you just before you crash landed."

"Thank you..." I whispered out knowing he heard. He still had that look on his face that gave me the shivers, "Uhhh... you can let go now."

"I would rather not."

I smiled slightly before jumping out of his arms and onto the ground. My pillars really made a mess of this dead forest... oh well.

Zara's POV

This freaky werewolf girl had teeth sharper than any werewolf I have ever seen. It was like she sharpened them herself.

"Reequip!" I shout as I glow and new armor forms around me and Flora. Of course Flora is in her small form. This is my light armor. It is as strong as any of my other armor, but is a bright white, which even in the bright day light will blind you. "Activate!" I shout, letting the light from the armor flow out.

"Ahhh! My eyes!" The werewolf girl shouts as she turns into her human form covering her eyes. I feel the earth start to tremble as I see two pillars start to form and shoot to the sky. Probably Mia, I thought. I swing my black scythe in circe's, loving the way it spins in my hand, before slicing the girl in two, right down the middle.

Flora looks away as the blood splatters on to my face, I don't even blink. Any blood that splattered onto my armor evaporated from the intense light. I don't care how gruesome I have to be, I must protect the ones I love. "Deactivate..." I whisper, as the light dims down. Time to find for my brother.

Kayne's POV

This werewolf can put up a fight. He hasn't once left his werewolf form, no matter how many times I slice at him with my Yin blade. I guess it is only at its full potential when the Yang blade is fighting alongside it. Where is Mia when you need her…

Shit! I got distracted. The werewolf guy sliced his hind leg and he and I soar through the air, hitting my head on the side of a rock. Why would there be a big ass rock in the middle of the darn forest!? I argue with myself. I touch my head and feel blood. Great, now my head is cut open. That's what I get for thinking about Mia.

Now it' s my turn to go all wolf. My body morphs into a wolf, a light cocoa colored wolf to be exact. Just a little smaller then this moron I'm fighting, but bigger than most werewolf's will ever be.

I've been practicing my fighting skills whilst in my werewolf form. I admit it has been tricky but so worth it.

I roar and leap at the surprised werewolf. I bet he didn't know I was a hybrid. He should of known by my smell, then again, hybrids are suppose to be extinct.

My massive jaws lock on the tip of his ear and he lets out a high pitched wail. Ears are very sensitive to a werewolf. I let go as we tackle, slashing each other in the face, the thigh, the stomach, and the neck. We break apart before lunging again. He bites down hard on my tale, making me go numb in pain. I wail as I see pillars falling from the ground. When did they even get up?

"Ahhhh!" I hear an all too familiar war call. My sister in her wolf form. Her fur a creamy color with light brown splotches all over. My sister is never in her werewolf form, unless she is protecting someone she really cares about. In that case, me.

The male werewolf finally turns into his human form bloody and bruised, after my sister did a number on him.

"Don't... kill him." I said in pain. Still in mt werewolf form. I don't want to change back into human yet, not until I know my tail is some what okay.

"Don't worry brother, I'm not going to kill him." The werewolf man almost smiled until my sister ruined his mood, "I'm going to torture him."

How can such a sweet girl be so deadly…

Flora comes flying out of Zara's black armor and immediately starts healing my tail with her fairy dust. At least I know I'm in good hands.


Hello my fellow readers out there. There are some juicy stuff coming up.

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