Cody VS Kayne, A Fight For A Life

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Mia's POV

The pain, it's getting worse, it courses through my veins like electricity. I wish it would stop. The headaches, the cold sweets, everything. I wish I was de-

"How do you feel?" Flora interrupted my thoughts.

"H-how do I look?" I say between shivers. I know I'm boiling hot on the outside, but on the inside I feel like I'm in the middle of a blizzard.

"Not to good." She leans down and reaches the back of her hand towards me to touch my forehead, She instantly pulls away. "Ouch! How can you be so hot?"

"I'm not. I-I'm f-freezing."

Worried, she reaches her arm into her bag and pulled out a glass bottle with red liquid inside it.

"W-what is that?" I ask.

"Shhh. Drink up." She brings the bottle to my mouth and I sit from it carefully so I don't spill any. Laying down and drinking isn't the easiest thing to do. The cool liquid pours down my throat, burning it instantly.

"Ouch!" I yell. Without realizing, I swing my hand hitting the bottle away from me. The bottle is about to hit the ground and crack when Cody suddenly appears in the tent and catches it.

Smooth moves if I do say so myself.

"That was close." He says calmly.

I glare at him for showing off, if I wasn't so sick I could of done the same thing.

"Okay, time to check your bandage." Flora speaks up. She jesters me to take the blankets off of myself. I do as I'm told, I has a white t-shirt on, covered in sweat. Cold air hits me and I start to shiver like crazy.

"Hu-hurry up!" I demand. I'm in no mood to be examined.

Cody sits cross legged on the floor watching contently. Flora reaches for my bandage peeling it off. She gasps but keeps a firm look on her face. I'm to weak to look for myself. "What is it?"

Oh nothing, it's just..."

"I-it's just what?" I ask.

"Okay okay. It's getting worse."

Cody stirs but stays seated, his eyes staring right at me.

"It's.... getting worse. The bite is spreading to your heart..." Tears start to slide down her face. "I don't know how much longer you have." She leaves the room, seconds from balling her eyes out.

Am I really going to die? I'm to weak to move, to talk anymore. I look down at my chest and I see the bite inches from where my heart is. The skin is a dark red color, mostly because its moist flesh. From having the bandage always on it, it gets wet and moist.

Cody gets up from her chair to put the  blanket back on top of me. For some reason, I'm not as cold as I was before. He leans down and gently kisses my forehead, sending warmth through out my body. He heads towards the door of he tent. He looks back at me and I swear I see a tear., "Stay strong." Was the last thing I hear before I pass out from exhaustion.

Kayne's POV

The camp is in sight as we run through the trees. The sun is slowly rising from the ground, signaling the start to a new day.

"Finally you come back. What took you so long?" Cody smugly says.

"Oh, just killing some werewolf." That took him by surprise. Zara comes running through the trees behind me, then Jane. As soon as Cody saw Jane he walked over to her. Jane stares at him emotionless.

"He... he is-"

"Shhh." Cody cuts her off. "Let it out." Janie looks up into his green eyes as tears come out of her own. Cody raps his arms around her, as she does the same.

They really must have been close when they were younger. That explains why Cody chose to age so fast. He must of aged himself every year Jane got older, just to stay friends with her. Of course he was already about a hundred when he met her, maybe older.

Cody and Jane break apart but Jane is still crying softly. "I would go see Mia if I were you, but remember.... she's mine now."

God I hate him. I know he is my best friend but I really fucking hate him.

Zara is talking to Flora obviously about Mia because Flora looks really upset. I head over to the orange tent to check on Mia. She's sound asleep, not peacefully though. I could see her shaking and fighting to breathe. I take a seat beside her, running my hand gently down her cheek.

"Cody.." She whispers.

I get up angry, why does that stupid vampire have to get inside Mia's head! She's the only one that I have opened up to, beside Zara and Flora, since my parents died.

"Kayne.." She whispers again before curling up into a ball under the blankets.

What could she be dreaming about?

"I can't chose..... to hard.... need time.......please don't.... Kayne." Mia whispers. I don't understand what that means. Am I going to hurt her some how?

I can't take anymore, I leave the tent in a rush, tripping over the edge and falling to the ground. Quickly, I get up and head over to Flora and Zara.

"How is Mia doing?" I ask Flora.

She looks to the ground saddened before answering me, "Not well. She... she doesn't have much longer to live."

No... She can't just die. I head over to Cody and Jane now frantic. "Cody, why haven't you done anything?"

He stops laughing at what Jane said and looks at me, "What are you talking about?"

That angers me. "You know what I mean! Why don't you use your power to help Mia?"

"Okay okay, calm down." He says holding his hands up to 'defend' himself.

"Don't tell me to calm down when you could be saving Mia's life as we speak!" I push his back against a tree.

"Hey!" He shouts. He then grabs the wrist of the hand grabbing him and pulls it away from him. I attempt to punch him, but his hand grabs my fist.

"Let go..." I say lowly.

"Hey! Guys! Knock it off!" Zara yells.

I yank my hand free from Cody's grip before storming off towards the guys tent. Cody and sleep outside for all I care. As long as I don't see him face any time soon.

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