The Moment Emotions Change

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Mia's POV

His warmth spreads through my entire body. The way my heart beats a little faster when I'm near him makes everything feel like its okay again.

"I missed you to." He says laughing. Our hug ends when I pull away from him. "His mouth is pulled back into a smile, something I never see. Usually all I get from him is a evil smirk of some kind.

"What are you smiling about?"

"Oh nothing." He says. Checking me out from head to toe then back up again, only he stops at my chest area.

"I glare at him before I realize what I'm wearing. My white dress is now an ugly beige color from all the sand and the rapist's grubbiness. The dress is town from one shoulder all the way down to my underwear. I'm so embarrassed!

I turn around so that he can't see my exposed body anymore.

"You know, you look hot with the new look. You should wear it more often." He says smugly. "But only for me."

My face heats up and I hug myself, trying to hide my body from his view.

"Turn around."

"No way! You just want to see me half naked."

He sighs. "That may be true but, just put this on. You can take it off when we get back to my room at Dugly's."

I snake my head around to see that he is looking away, holding his jacket out in front of me. Quickly I grab it and put it on. It's warm and is just a little too big. Wait a minute, did he say that I would take it off in his room?!

Instantly I punch him on the shoulder for saying that. "Hey! What was that for?"

"That my friend, was for saying I would take off your jacket in your room! That would leave me practically naked you perv!" He just sighs at my little rant, "And this was for saving me." I quickly kiss him on the cheek and start walking back to the house. Thank god because my face is as red as a tomato.

"Shouldn't I get more than just a kiss on the cheek for saving you?" He says coolly.

I clench my finds and send a huge wave of sand at him, "Oh no." He goes flying into the water, making a huge cannon ball.


"Your back!" Flora shouts to Cody and I.

He laughs, “Yeah we’re back.”

Kayne gets up from his spot in the beautiful garden. Night has fallen and it looks so beautiful. “Everyone should get a good nights sleep.” He says.

I sigh, “And why is that?”

“Because, “ Kayne pauses for dramatic effect. “tomorrow we are going to DemonLand.” Everyone looked at each other with scared yet joyful looks. I’m not sure I want them to go through all this just so I can find my parents, it’s not worth it. If my parents wanted to find me they would of found me by now.

I’m dressed and packed for the portal trip to DemonLand. My ninja outfit is on, carrying all my weapons. Zara and Jane are in my room with me, packing their own gear. Zara is in her usual white dress with her hair tied back into a braid. As per usual a small lock of her hair is loosely in her face. Calmly, she sits on my bed ,sharpening her element swords. Jane is trying to put her equipment onto her belt.

“I have to say, I’m a bit nervous.” I state.

“I think I will do just fine against the demons.” Zara says as she equips her galaxy sword. It’s blade is purple mixed with blue and a dark shade of pink. Also on the blade there are little silver dots that make it look like the night sky. If she uses it with her galaxy outfit, it’s like she is one with the night. I haven’t seen her use that armor yet but I have a feeling she will be soon.

Jane laughs, “I’m a little scared but we need to figure out how the demons have re awaken.”

Awkwardly I say what’s on my mind, “You guys don’t have to come with me. You don’t have to risk your lives just so I can find my parents.” I turn to Zara, “Kayne is probably only helping me because you are helping.”

Zara stabs her sword into the ground angry making me flinch, “Are you serious?!” She yells at me.

“I’m just gonna leave for no apparent reason.” Jane says leaving the room awkwardly.

Zara stands right in front of me with her arms crossed, totally pissed at me. “You think Kayne is only here because I am? You are so wrong! Mia, he still loves you and your ablivious. Besides me, you are the only other person he completely opens up to. He isn’t here because I am, he is here for you and deep down you know that.”

She sits back onto the bed and equips another sword, her nature sword. The blade itself is a greyish white with a red filling. Thin vines wrap themselves around the blade and the handle. Where the blade and the handle meet there is a pink rose holding it in place. Zara begins to sharpen it.

I was definitely shocked by her little speech. Kayne loves me? Do I even love him? That’s not the point! “That still doesn’t change the fact that you guys are risking your lives for nothing. I should go to the DemonLand alone to find my parents, you guys stay here.”

As she continues to sharpen her nature sword she talks, “We want to help you find your parents because you are a good person. If the demons start to leek more into the other worlds we would have to fight them anyway. Think about it, we would have to fight the demons on earth and not be seen by humans. We have the element of surprise. Mia, we can do this!”

I look at her with a small smile on my face “Thanks Zara, you really are a true friend.”

We smile before someone knocks on the door. “Come in!” I call to the person.

Cody steps through the door looking very sharp in his battle clothes. He is wearing a thin suit of armor that is black with small lines of red. Usually armor i thick and heavy, but his is the exact opposite. The armor doesn’t even makes a clunking noise when he walks.

“Are you two ready to go? Kayne has been rushing us to get going.”

I smile slightly, “Yeah we are ready.”

Zara walks past Cody and whispers something into his ear, making him laugh lightly. I  wonder what that was about?

“Hey Mia? Can I talk to you for a second?” Cody asks.

“Sure.” I simply say.

Cody closes the door, making me feel kind of awkward.

Cody rubs the back of his neck with his hand smiling “I wanted to say this on the beach but I kind of blew it with the whole perv thing.”

He is a naive boy, so of course he messes up.

“I wanted to say.. I wanted to do.”

“Come  on Cody spit it out.”

He walks towards me, grabs my face gently in his hand and kisses me. His other hand securely holding my waist. My eyes stay open in shock, until they close letting the kiss sink in. His hands that was touching my face moves to my hair. My hands move to his neck, entwining myself with him. For being a vampire he is really warm. We break apart but still have our hands touching each other.

“Wow.” I say completely breathless. We both smile as we look at each other. “What does this mean?” I stupidly say.

“Well, I was hoping you would be my girlfriend but if you don’t want to thats totally okay. I can just find another girl.” He says sarcastically walking away.

I laugh, “No no, I will be your girlfriend, but you have promise me one thing.”

“And what would that be Ms. Ray.”

I walk over to him, putting my arms around his neck, “You Mr. Wonder, have to kiss me, whenever I tell you to.”

He leans in to kiss me. “It would be my pleasure.”


Zara’s galaxy sword is on the side →

Comment and vote please… I’m seriously begging you at this point. I want you guys to comment, tell me about your day for all I care! I just want to know that you are there, that you actually like my book. :l  Sorry about my little rant there but puh-leese comment and vote.

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