I'm Now His

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Kayne's POV

"We need you to come with us. We are heading to the DemonLand and need your help." I said. If we go without him, there is no chance of us surviving. His power is amazing, he is the Vampire Prince after all.

"Hhmmmm... An interesting offer." He walked past me and started to play with one of Mia's loose curls. I could tell she didn't like it. "I will have to think about it...but first, who is this girl?"

He may be my best friend but he gets on my nerves.

Mia spoke before I could. "I'm Mia Ray. Kayne's girlfriend." She whacked Cody's hand away from her hair. Some of the guards gasped and I could see the slightest change in Cody's stance.

"Well well well, who would of thought that Kayne would bringing an out low to my castle." He stopped playing with Mia's hair and walked towards his throne.

What is he up to?

"Put her in my cell. The rest of you, go back to your room." By then I could burst. Guards started to swarm around Mia. I ran towards her but was stopped by Cody's right hand man.

Cody has the best army of the worlds, an infinite number of guards. There's no way only us four could do something. I stop struggling and see Zara in one of her battle armour. Her anti-vampire armour to be exact. The armour itself is slim and light, a dark red color. The weapon that's in her hand is a crimson color, if you're a vampire and you get hit by that, you're as good as dead in five minutes. Her hair, tied back into a high ponytail, a couple strands of hair are loose and off to the side.

Flora was in her small form flying high to get away from the vampires.

"Zara don't!"

She looked at me, her face changing from battle ready to kind sister. A glow surrounded her and the armour disappears and she was back into her regular clothes. "But..." Was all she said.

"We can get her back another way. I know you want to fight now, believe me so do I, but we can't win this time." I started to get pushed out of the room, so did Zara. Flora came to land on my shoulder.

"I'll be okay, don't worry about me." Mia said. I saw a glimpse of her kneeling on the ground through the crowded room, being pulled up by some random guard.

I look away, hating seeing her in that situation smiling, trying to be brave. I'm sure she will be okay. I know.... she will be okay.

Mia's POV

"What do you want from me?" I say as soon as the big doors close behind Kayne and the others.

"Oh nothing special."

What could he mean by that? He gets off his throne and snaps his fingers. Two guards appear bowing at his feet.

"What do you wish Prince." They both say at once.

"Bring her to my..." He dragged on the word my for a good couple seconds, "special cell. Meet me there."

"Why do I have to go to a special cell! What do you want from me!" I start to yell and struggle as the two guard's tackle me down. I had it! I punch one of them right in the face and he goes flying into the wall. Cody snaps his fingers one last time and three more guard's come at me. Too much for me. I'm easily tackled and my hands get tied behind my back. I'm dragged to the special cell, ready for anything they throw at me.

I get thrown into the cell with a rough landing. "What was that for! You don't have to be so rough!" I yell holding onto the metal bars. Someone coughs behind me, trying to get my attention. I turn around and see that the cell is no ordinary cell. Cody was sitting on a couch placed in the middle. Of course its a black couch. He is drinking something, the smell is horrible! Their is another couch across from the small table. I take a seat there.

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