Wait... WHAT!

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Chapter 7 - Wait... WHAT

The group has been walking for what seemed like hours. Flora mentioned her home was only a few miles away, but Mia had a feeling she misled the group with just how far her home was. Mia was still taking in the fact that Flora could change her size at a moment's notice. With all of the training she had recently gone through, she thought being able to change her size would come in handy. Perhaps once she mastered her wolf form, she could use her shapeshifting to her advantage in a fight.

"Can this tree be your home? I'm getting tired and it's almost dark out." Mia said.

Flora shook her head.

"How about," Mia pointed at another large tree, "this one?"

"Not even close," Flora said. Getting minorly annoyed with Mia's impatience. Zara was entertained watching Mia bug Flora.

"What about this one? It's huge."

"Actually, yes. That's home!" Flora said. Mia wasn't expecting to be right, but she sure was relieved.

It was a willow tree, its tall long branches provided protection around itself.

As they approached the large tree Mia asked, "Where is the entrance?" The tree must have been there for centuries with how large it was. The bark was a faded purple, showing the tree's true age due to the surrounding trees having more color to them.

"The entrance is right in front of you, silly," Flora giggled at Mia.

Mia put her hands on her hips and leaned forward to inspect the tree to discover a barely noticeable line that was in the shape of a makeshift door. Flora then knocked on the tree as if someone were inside.

"I'm coming, I'm coming. Hold on," A muffled voice said within the tree. The makeshift door opened to reveal an elderly fairy. His wings were busy at work as he floated in the air in front of the group, fairy dust surrounded his wings as they fluttered. Mia thought he must fly around more than he did walk as it was easier for him in his old age.

"Grandpa!" Flora yelled, excited to see him after so many years. Mia wondered just how long it's been since Flora had been home. Flora shrunk to her small form to match her grandpa before hugging him.

"Flora, sweetheart, what are you doing here? I'm happy to see you but your visit is quite abrupt." The geezer croaked. Flora finally let go of their embrace, providing her grandpa the chance to see everyone for the first time.

"Grandpa, these are my friends from Hearus. I was assigned to Kayne to be his spirit animal years ago. Ever since I have been living on Earth with him and his sister."

"Hello, I'm Kayne Myth and this is my sister Zara, " Kayne introduced himself and the rest of the group. Zara waved at the elder fairy when Kayne mentioned her name, "And this is Mia Ray." He finished.

"Hello," Mia said and provided a half smile. She could sense he didn't want any of them to enter his home.

Flora's grandpa glared at the group, taking his time looking at each person, deciding if they were worthy to enter his personal space, "Fine, You can come in. Hurry it up, the Demon Folk might getcha." He warned.

What were the Demon Folk? To Mia, they didn't sound like a creature she wanted to run into. She scurried into the tree with the rest of her friends.

Everything inside the tree was different shades of purple; the table, the inner bark, including the intricate staircase leading up the tree. The home décor in Aeria is relevant to which tree you live in due to its color. Vines wove themselves through the staircase, creating a unique design. Photos of Flora's family hung on the walls, showcasing the love they have for one another. From the look of things, Flora was an only child.

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