Of All The Time In The World, Why Now!

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Chapter 4 - Of All All The Time In The World, Why Now?

"I want to find my parents," Mia said as she packed her uniform that she wore when arriving at Hearus and what she thought she would need for her journey. She didn't have anything with her besides that uniform so most of what she was packing was found through the room. When she checked the drawers of the dresser she was happily surprised to find clothing in her size. She packed the clothes and whatever toiletries were in the bathroom. Mia knew she should be packing to go back to her old life, but that bored her now. Why would she go back to somewhere where people hated her and she was struggling to get by? She had a whole new life ahead of her. So many questions to be answered. If things worked out, she would never have to go back to Rifford High, the café, or the crappy house that she loved so much. Mia wouldn't have to deal with the Bitch Squad anymore. She would be free of the mundane world.

"Yes, you told me that already, but how are you going to do that? For all you know, your parents could be in a different world. You are going into this completely unprepared." Kayne tried to warn her.

"A different world? What do you mean?" She asked. She caught on that there were different worlds besides just Earth, but the idea of different worlds still confused her.

He sighed, "I mean there are more worlds than just Earth." He walked to the other side of the room. Since Mia still didn't know what he was talking about, she gave him a deadpan look so he would get the hint, "Oh, right. Nobody told you about them yet. You should stick around Hearus longer to learn about the Worlds and everything they have to offer. As I told you before, earth is only one of the many worlds in this universe. To travel to each world you need a portal, or fairies who know how to use their fairy dust." Kayne explained.

"Well, I know what I need to do then," Mia said, feeling cocky with her words.

"Where are you going?" He asked her, but by then Mia had already left the room. Her destination was the training room.

"What do you think you're doing?" Kayne questioned.

"I'm looking for Flora. Duh."

It took him a moment or two before he realized what Mia was planning. "Oh no you don't. You aren't going to do what I think you are. How will you get around? You will be running around like a chicken with its head cut off not knowing where anything is. Plus you can't just take Flora with you. She is my spirit animal, not yours"

Mia stopped dead in her tracks at the entrance of the training room. Kayne almost ran into her because of it, "If I'm being honest, I have no clue. It can't be that hard though. It's probably like being the new kid at school, which I'm used to trust me. People will stop and stare while I find my way around, but I'll be fine."

She turned to face Kayne who was not impressed with her at all. Even though his figure looked like he didn't care with his hands in his pockets, Mia could tell he was worried.

"Are you fucking serious? Like a new school? Mia, without a real guide you will be dead within minutes. Especially if you go to Veentrois first." He said, yet he continued to follow her deep into the training room.

Mia scuffed. How did he know she couldn't make it on her own? He barely knew her.

"Liar! How would you know if I could make it in Vee-en-trose or not? I happen to be stronger than I look." She enunciated Veentrois phonetically to get her point across.

Kayne laughed at her. She is one of the few things that he found funny.

"Veentrois is the Vampire World. You would be dead in an instant." He said and walked towards where the fairies train.

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