The 'Special' Meeting

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Chapter 15 - The 'Special' Meeting

Mia's POV

I wake up to the light of the moon shining into my window. How can it still be nighttime?

"Good morning, sleepy head." Dugly giggles as he cooks something in the kitchen. I know for a fact I won't be eating what he is making.

I stretch my arms high into the air, "Good morning." I do my final stretching and situate myself into a sitting position on the couch. When I was sleeping on it, my legs dangled over the edge. I make my way over to the small dining table, "Is the moon always out?" My hair was a mess from my restless sleep. I couldn't sleep very well knowing my friends could be in danger.

"Of course, the moon is always in the sky here in Veentrois. It stays in a crescent shape as well." He puts a pot on the stove, adding ingredients to it, one by one.

"I was meaning to ask you something. Why do you live above a bar? It's not a normal place to have a home."

He adds more salt to his dish, "My brother owns the bar. He has always looked out for me so when I needed a place to stay, he converted the attic into a home for me."

A giddy smile shows up on my face. I can't help it, any form of love makes me happy. In this case, it's brotherly love, "That's very kind of him. I do have one more question."

He turns, giving me his full attention, "What is it?"

I fiddle with my fingers in my lap, "I really appreciate everything you have done for me, but I think it's time I start looking for my friends."

High face sank the slightest before a shy smile formed on his face, "I understand. At least let me show you out of the bar."

I smile and nod as he leads me down towards the bar.

I make it to the bottom of the narrow stairwell, only to be smothered by someone.

"Get off me! wait," I breathe in his familiar scent, "Kayne!" I hug him back, now that I know who it is.

We pull apart, looking affectionately at each other before he leans in and kisses me. Both of his hands cup my cheeks, "Are you okay? What happened to you at the portal?" He kept firing questions at me, but I couldn't focus. I was just happy being in his embrace once more.

I take a look around, "Where is everyone?" All I could see was a half empty bar consisting of the bartender and a hand full of thugs.

"They are safe. I left early this morning to go look for you." Kayne noticed Dugly standing quietly behind me, "Who is he?"

I beam with excitement, "This is Dugly. He saved me in the woods."

I could tell Kayne didn't believe that an elf could save me, but he kept his mouth shut.

Dugly came out from behind me, his hand holding onto my leg lightly, "Hello, I am Dugly Swizzenzimmer. Nice to meet you." Dugly put his hand out for Kayne to shake it, to which he did.

"Thank you for helping Mia out. My name is Kayne Myth. It's nice to meet you."

"It was really great meeting you both. I hope I get to see you again." Dugly says.

I get onto my knees to be his height, "I will for sure come back to visit soon. First, I have to find out about my parents and who knows what will happen after that." I lean forward and give Dugly a big hug. He has turned into one of my good friends and I hope to see him again.


"How in the hell did you guys land a place in the palace?" I question the group. My arms flailing around the enormous living space.

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