If You Try Hard Enough Memories Can Return

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Zara POV

Guard’s start pouring out of the one door like bees out of a bee hive. Most likely I looked dead or too injured to be worth a fight because the guards left me alone. “Hey Flora, are you almost done? I need to get back out there and you need to go heal someone else.”

“Good point.” She says in her small form. “Are you sure you will be okay?” She asks me.

I nod my head before she flutters away towards Kayne who is holding his arm tightly from a nasty cut.

“Equipt!” I shouted out letting light fill my body and a new armor appear. My galaxy armor. Some of the guards noticed the sudden pillar of light and started running at me. To bad they don’t have a chance against my galaxy sword. The guards surround me, one guard walks out of the crowd waiting for me to make the first move. Little did he know that I already have. The ability of my galaxy sword is that everything moves in slow motion. That means I already sliced up all of the guards swords. Well at least all of the guards surrounding me. The only default of this armor and sword is that the reaction time of each hit takes minute or two to work.

“You ready to die little girl?” The guard who steps out of the crown says.

“I’ll let you have the first strike, if you hit me, then you hit me. If you miss, I get to kill you.”

The guard slightly quivered before smirking at me. He raises his sword above his head, bringing it down onto my chest. As the sword comes down, it splits in half horizontally, the guard starts to shake as I pull out my sword. “Now it’s my turn.” Quickly I slice through all the guards in the circle. To them I look like a blur zooming around them.

“Is that all you’ve got!” One of them say.

I lazily lean against my sword which is sticking into the ground. “Three… two… one.” As I count to one all of the guards cry out in pain, their cuts finally start to bleed. They fall to the floor, bleeding to death. As I walk away, splashing my shoes in the crimson blood, one guard grabs my ankle.

I look down and see him crying, “Why? Why do this to us. We are only serving our King so he doesn’t kill us… H-he might look calm and cool, b-but really he is a cold b-blooded murderer.”

I sigh, “Your point is?” I shake his hand off of my ankle.

“J-just be careful, don’t make him.. mad..” he guard than falls to the floor, his heart stopping. What does he mean? I shouldn’t dig too deep into it, I just need to help out my friends.

Flora POV

Carefully I flutter towards Kayne unnoticed. His arm is badly injured, without my help it would definitely need stitches. “Kayne!” I whisper yell, jumping onto his shoulder.

“I thought you were helping Zara.” Kayne asks me, keeping a look out for anyone attacking him.

“I just finished up with her, she told me to help you.”

“I’m fine, go help Mia or Cody.”

I sigh looking at him with a deadpan expression on my face, “Really? You have a massive cut on your arm! Stop being the hero for once, you’ve been like this your whole life and now it’s time for you to step down. So shut up and let me heal you!”

His hands go up in surrender, “Okay okay.”

Quickly I sprinkle my fairy dust on his arm to stop the bleeding. Than I put my tiny hands over the cut, making his flinch in pain. “Sorry!” I whisper continuing on his cut. In the distance I see Cody try to attack Troy, Mia getting ready for a sneak attack. I look to the left and see Zara finishing off a group of guards, their bodies drenched in blood. The cut is almost healed so I leave the dust on it to continue the healing progress without me. “I’ll be back to check on that cut, but until then, just be careful.” I kiss him on the cheek friendly before fluttering towards Mia who is clinging onto the wall and the roof. I’m guessing she is waiting for the perfect moment to drop onto Troy.

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