Interrogation Time

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Janie's POV

I'm scared to admit it. When we were kids I was always the one best at everything, especially fighting. Now, he might be stronger than me…

"Watch me brother!" A five year old me called.

My brother turned his head to look at me, puzzled as to why I would call him name all of a sudden.

"Look what I can do!" I yelled happily. I crouch down to the ground before pouncing into the air a human and landing as a werewolf. My piercing hazel eyes stared at him, waiting for an answer. I turned back into a human as I see my brother make the weirdest face before simultaneously going back to normal. What was that about? I wonder.

"Good job Janie!" He praised. He smiled a warm smile, making me do the same.

"You try! You try!" I said. Before he could say anything, I  tackle him to the ground which is covered in long green grass.

"Uff!" He grunted.

"Lets play Pack!" I said cheerfully, pinning him to the ground. Soon after, I let him go and we head off to the forest to play Pack.

Rule one of being in the heat of battle, never get distracted. James roundhouse kicked me square in the jaw, sending me flying into one of Mia's pillars. Blood slowly dripped from my mouth. I get back up a little lopsided from the dizziness. How am I going to beat him? He might be stronger than me now…

I turn into my wolf form. Blue eyes glaring at him, my brown fur fluffed out to make me look bigger than I already am. Sharp canine teeth facing my brother. To anyone this would be terrifying, but not to him. He also turns into his wolf form, pure black.

I remember the first time  he turned. It was during dinner when my dad and him were having a big argument. He knocked his chair back and anger flooded over him, letting the transformation happen. He broke the table right in half. The argument was about how he couldn't transform yet and dad kept pushing the subject, causing him to snap. As soon as my brother transformed, dad starting clapping and from that day, my brother has hated my dad. To bad he is dead…

Either the full moon gives you your transformation, or when you hit a breaking point for anger.

I transformed when my ex-best friend stole my favorite doll. Remember, I was five at the time. My ex-best friend just happens to be Cody.

James starts heading full speed towards me, I skillfully dodge his powerful punch, letting him break a small boulder in half. That would of hurt. Using my supernatural power, I make my brother said, that's his week emotion, it lets all the negative and sad memories flood over him. He slumped to the ground covering his face with his hands. Serves him right, the bastard tried to kill me!

"See you later brother."

Suddenly, Mia's pillars start to break, and I see her starting to fall. I'm about to run over there to catch her but Cody has it covered.

"I don't think your going anywhere..." My brother whispers. Still getting over his earlier crying.

Next thing I know, James is right in front of me, holding my neck in his strong grip. Why do I keep getting distracted?! He throws me to the ground, letting the air escape my lungs. I try to breathe but no air coming through. Finally, after choking for a couple second, air circulates my lungs. James is on top of me, punching my face over and over and over... and over... I'm about to give up on it, stop fighting completely and let him just kill me already. Death seems better then the pain I'm going through right now. My own flesh and blood is trying to kill me.

"Are you ready to die?" He says boldly.

I'm about to answer when I feel his body weight lift off of me. Kayne using his telekinesis, sends him flying into a tree, holding him there. Mia walks over with Cody following behind. Seriously... is he  looking at her ass?


Zara is in her regular ninja suit, dragging a guy behind her. He is tied up with supernatural rope. Which means he can't use his supernatural strength or power. Quite handy if you're keeping supernatural beings hostage.

Mia's POV

"Okay, so how are we suppose to interrogate him? I've never interrogated someone before." I say to everyone. Making sure the werewolf guy can't hear me. Since he is still half unconscious he can't completely use his supernatural hearing. James on the other hand can, I can literally feel him glaring at me.

We were lucky enough to capture him. Thanks to Kayne's power, all everyone else did was tie the rope around his hands and feet.

You would think the ultimate ruler would start the interrogation but no, it was the  oh so innocent Zara. "Why are you coming after us?"

She is straight to the point, she isn't even using the innocent act.

The wolf man didn't answer.

"Maybe you didn't hear me," Zara said, " Why are you coming after us?" Now she has his neck snug in her grip. For a little girl she is powerful. "Don't make me snap your neck in half." She growled.

"O-oh OK." He struggles to choke out. Zara let go of his neck , letting him intake a large amount of air.

"Well?" She taunts.

"All I know is that if I came to help James kill his sister, my family would live." From his looks, he is maybe about 20 or 30 at most. He is only protecting his family, but why?

"Who is making you do this!" Zara snapped grabbing his neck but this time lifting him up against the tree. Which in her case wasn't that high. With is broken leg though, it sure as hell hurt as he let out a sharp cry of pain.

"I honestly don't know! Ask James, he would know!" Zara let him go, sending him to land on his bad leg, making him cry out again. I kind of felt sorry for the guy. He is only doing this to save his family, but from what or who? I could tell Janie didn't like this at all. She flinched at every sound the wolf man made,  probably wishing he was home safe with his wife and kids... if he has kids.




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