New Era Of Peace... I Hope

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For those who might be confused with all the new royal families, here is a guide of who’s who.


Cascard          King - Torren     Queen - Beth       Princess - Janie

Veentrois        King - Cody       Queen -               Ex King - Dalton

Aria                 King - Shail       Queen - Aurora     

Tera                King - Tetreos   Queen - Aira

Enchantia       King - Tod         Queen - Wendy

DemonLand   King -                Queen - Mia


Mia’s POV


"It will be okay." I whisper into Cody's ear. We were cuddling on my bed when all of a sudden he starts to silently cry. I cradle his head in my lap, stroking his hair, the only thing I could do to comfort him. I’ve never seen him cry before.

"How could it be okay? He just left me to take care of a whole world. Then he tells me he knows what really happened to my mom."

"Do you mind me asking how your mother died?" I re-thought what I said, “Or how you thought she died.”

He sniffled. Trying to hide his pain, not wanting me to see him like this, “I came home from school looking for my mother to show her my science project.”

I couldn’t help but smile. Cody as a little science nerd, that’s too cute.

“Don’t laugh.” He  says slightly smiling.

I put my hands up in surrender, before continuing to stroke his hair. I’m glad I can help him feel slightly better.

“Anyway, my mother was nowhere to be found. I went to find my father instead. When I asked where she was he said that assassins from Aria killed her while I was at school.”

That’s right, Aria have been on bad terms with Veentrois for a long time. At least that's what one of the documents Dugly gave me to read said, “Think about it this way, you wouldn’t be the sweet and caring guy you are now.”

He looked up at me from my lap as I smiled down, “Thank you Mia.”

“Anything for you.”




“I have made extra portals to the other worlds around Tera and I’ve lowered the price.” King Tetreos said to me through the screen.

A monitor is spread across the wall of the meeting room, coming from the black pearl that's on the table. Every royal family has a black pearl to communicate more smoothly with each other. I’ve never seen anything like this s I for one am very excited.

“Everything is the same here!” Wendy said, Queen of Enchantia. She is very bubbly today. It’s been about a week since the last meeting which went from bad to worse when Dalton blew a hole in my castle. My castle?

“Veentroise has done the same, all prices have been dropped.” Cody said from his little corner of the screen. He had to go home after the meeting to fix his world after Dalton destroyed it from being King for so long. To bring it back to its former glory, back when his father wasn’t in charge.

“Everything is prepared for free portal travel here.” Queen Aurora said standing beside her husband Shail looking very confident in her words.

“Everything is good here!” Janie said jumping from her side of the screen with her parents in the back.

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