Story Time Around A Camp Fire Part 2

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"How can you control spirits?"

"I will tell you." Everyone calmly takes their seats on the stumps, "To control spirits is very rare and very hard, but it is possible. To be able to control spirits is the hardest element to learn. You need to meditate the first time you try to it, so you can connect with the spirit world."

"Can't I just use a portal to get there?"

He laughs, probably thinking I'm stupid or something. "No you can't, there is no other way to connect with spirits then by meditating and that's only if you have the ability to talk to them."

"Okay I guess I will try it."

Mia's POV

I take a seat on the ground and cross my legs. I then focus my energy together, but nothing happens. Peaking one eye open, I see everyone staring at me excited. I sigh, "Nothing, I feel so different and nothing happened."

All of their shoulders dropped in sadness, I guess they really wanted to find out if I could talk to spirits, just like me.

"I guess I'm next." Kayne stated. "My power is telekinesis. I can move objects with my mind. My one goal in life would have to be protecting my sister."

I saw that one coming. Now it's Flora's turn.

"My power is my fairy dust. With my dust, I can heal any wound that is inflicted."

"What about your goal for life?" I ask, actually interested in what she might want to achieve.

"I guess my dream would be to help people. Not just supernatural creatures, but actual human beings."

All of us stare at her in awe as she just smiles shy like. That's a far out dream she has but I'm sure she can some day full fill it.

"Last but not least, Zara's turn." Jane smiled.

Zara smiled back, excited to tell us. Jane is mostly excited because she has never seen Zara's power. Truth be told, I wish I had her power. It would be so cool to summon anything you want just by thinking it.

"My power is summoning. I can summon anything I want from other dimensions or worlds. It's easier just summoning from other dimensions though because it's less strain on my body..." I could tell she isn't comfortable giving away her weaknesses but we are all friends here. That's probably the only reason why she is telling us. "Since I found out that my power is summoning from a young age, I specialize in armory and weaponry. So armor and weapons are the things I mostly summon. On occasion though, I do summon helpful utilities, like these hot dogs." She laughs her innocent laugh, all of us joining in.

Yep, I really want her power.

"My goal is the same as my brothers, except I'm the one protecting him."

Everyone starts talking about themselves to each other when I hear a weird noise coming from a distance, almost like a war call/laughter. "Hey guys? Listen to that."

Jane hears my quiet voice and I can tell by her face that she heard it too. "Guys be quiet, listen to what Mia is saying." Everyone went quiet as the weird sound came closer, and closer, and closer.

"Damn! They find me wherever I go!" Jane spat hatefully.

"What do you mean they find you wherever you go, who are 'they'?" I asked genuinely confused.

Jane rushes to the tent to grab her sword, I do the same. Zara has her regular outfit on, a slim black suit with weapons hidden all over it. I have no idea how such a small peaceful girl and turn so battle ready without a care in the world.

Kayne has his Yin blade and I have my Yang. Despite our fights about the stupid Cody thing, I'm excited to finally fight with him. With our two blades together, I can't wait to see the outcome of this battle.

Cody is almost rendered useless so he hides in the darkness of the forest until I give the signal to come out for a sneak attack. Flora hides in her small form on Zara's shoulder. Flora needs to be protected the most since she is the only one that can heal us if we get critically injured.

I hear the noise more clearly now, but still all I get is a war call and laughter.

"Well well well, Janie is so scared of us that she has her own crew now." A harsh wolf like voice echoed through the trees. A majestic black wolf walked out of the shadows of the trees and into the moonlight. Without the fire burning anymore, the moon is the only light source.

"Why can't you just leave me alone!" Jane yelled furiously.

"Because Janie dearest. Your brother misses you."

Wait a minute, who is Jane's brother? I ask myself. My Yang blade firmly gripped in my hand.

Jane's face fell but you can still clearly see the anger in her eye.

"I don't care about my 'brother' anymore." As she said brother I could tell her relationship with him was more than just the regular brother and sister relationship, there was something buried deep beneath the surface.

"Well your brother wanted to see you."

"Just go away, I don't want to see you..." Her heart broke a little.

"But sister dear, I missed you." The werewolf says, a grin spread across his face.

"James... just leave me alone!" She yelled. I can sense the energy inside of her focus into a ball and shoot towards him.

Am I the  only one that can see this? From the looks on everyone's faces, I guess I am. His emotions have changed to pleasure to sadness. His body is now vulnerable because he is so upset about nothing. Wow, the true extent of  Jane's power.

"But Janie-"

"NO! You left the castle, you left mom and dad, you left our people, and most of all... you left me."

His face stiffened for a brief second before he regained his control. It's like his body is doing the opposite of what he wants, like he is under control.

Before anyone could react, Jane sped forward, round house kicking him in the jaw. I heard a loud popping noise, probably his jaw. Three other werewolves come out of the trees shadows, ready to defend their leader. Which happens to be James. Things were about to get ugly.




What do you guys think? I know I've had my doubtful moments, but I honestly never thought this story would get this far. It really means a lot you guys!

Just knowing you read it makes me happy. Until next time!

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