A Queen? You Are Just To Funny.

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Mia’s POV


“I thought you guys were dead! What happened?” I ask my parents who recently showed up out of no where.

I could here my mom holding back tears as my dad and herself hug me tightly, “I never left you my dear. I’ve always been close.” They let go of me, my mom putting both hands on my shoulders, “I’ve been in hiding from the Silent Keepers, the council who ‘keep the peace’ between the Worlds. My human name was Nora Switz, I was the counselor at your old high school, but you always kept to yourself. When I noticed you acting strange I knew you were going through the change. I would make sure you made it home safe every day. If you didn’t get help from Samuel soon, you would of died, so I lured rogue vampires to your home area, praying that someone from Hearus would find you.”

I was shocked, I never really payed attention to anyone at my old school besides myself and a few of my teachers. Now that I think about it, I have seen my mom in the halls at school.

“A hybrid about your age brought you to Hearus and I knew you were in great hands.”

I looked over at Kayne and smiled at him slightly, he smiled back, trying to be happy for me. He lost his parents and he knows he will never get them back.

“I never wanted to leave you, but after the fire, I went into labour. Your dad, Devon opened a portal to our hidden home located in the mountains behind Hearus. We couldn’t risk living in a real house. Anyway, I gave birth to you that night. You were so beautiful.” She smiles and I can’t help but do the same. “I held you for only a minute before Sam comes running to our home, warning the three of us to run and hide. Sam, myself, and you managed to get away from the Silent Keepers but your father didn’t make it.”

As my mother took her hands off of my shoulders, my father takes one of her hands, “I was tortured and beaten to a bloody pulp, I was trapped for over ten years fighting for my life. I managed to escape and I found your mother, Faith. She told me about how beautiful you have become and how you started the change. I couldn’t of been more proud.” He shines his teeth at her with a huge grin full of happiness. “Your mother also told me about how you ran from Hearus, we told Sam and the three of us followed you through the worlds. After a while we found out about this war, we knew we had to stop you before you killed your only cousin.”

“So it’s true than? Troy is my cousin and that means we are royalty to.”

They laugh, “You are correct.” My father says.

“Hello? Who says I care about if your my cousin, I don’t believe you!” Troy says angrily.

My dad walked towards Troy, “If you don’t believe me, read my memory.”

At first Troy looks confused before placing his hands on each side of my fathers head.


*In the vision*


The visions started to unfold, showing Devon being beaten to a bloody mess. Cuts all along his chest, two black eyes, broken bones. Yet he still fought back. He may of been mad at his daughter for becoming a hybrid, but there is nothing he can do about it now. He promised himself and his beloved that he would make it out of the Silent Keepers custody one day and reunite with his family. After many years went by he began to lose hope, almost losing the one this that kept him alive. His will power. He made a friend in prison. That friend helped him escape, but sadly his friend died along the dangerous route along the cliffside.

The prison is placed on an island in the middle of all of the worlds. There are portals all over in the waters surrounding it. Devon ended up going through the portal to the Giants World, Tera. He found his way to his wife who was still living in that little cave behind Hearus. She told him everything about Mia, how beautiful she is and how she was going to war with her only cousin.

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