Kayne's Feelings

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 "No, no, no. You're doing it all wrong." Kayne said as he walked towards Mia. His head was shaking left to right disappointed. Mia's form was completely off. He could easily knock her to the ground if he wanted to. Her feet were too close together. She looked like a stoic tree rather than an animal ready to attack, "Your feet need to be further apart." He kicked one of her feet to open her stance. She almost fell but caught her footing, "Your shoulders aren't straight either. You need to stand tall and strong to show your enemies you aren't afraid of them. Even if you are." He grabbed her shoulders, shifting her until she was an appropriate height. Again, she started to wobble and he chose to ignore it. She will have to get used to how this stance feels. He stepped back to admire his work, his hand supporting his chin, "Wait, your hands aren't right." Before he could fix her hands Mia crumbled to the ground.

Mia grunted in frustration, "Why do I have to stand so perfectly? How is this stupid pose supposed to help me in battle?"

"This stance will help protect you. It gives the illusion that you are tough. I know you are but the enemies we may face will be stronger. The pose will hopefully intimidate them, knocking them off their game. It is also the best stance to attack and defend with." Kayne offers his hand to Mia. She grabbed his hand and flung him over her head. He saved himself by doing a handspring into a backflip. He stood behind Mia unimpressed, "You really thought that would work?" His hands were deep in his pockets as he looked down at her again.

She folded her arms, "Maybe."

He signed and shook his head, "Let's continue."


"Good. I can see you have improved since the beginning of our session." Kayne praised. She has gotten a lot better, she is even able to predict a few of his attacks. When they spared the first time in Hearus he was surprised by her strength and her ability to hold back her attacks so as not to overexert herself. Now she can gauge how much power is necessary for certain attacks. She would use more force behind her kicks to counter Kayne's super speed. She could read some of his moves and determine what he would do next and then she attempted to counter. Before her attacks were at random and sloppy. Now her attacks are calculated and strategic. Halfway through training, Kayne began to use his super speed more to put momentum behind his strikes. She caught on quickly and started doing the same.

"Only good? I feel like I'm doing great!" She cheered herself on. Her face was beat red from training and pushing herself past her limit to improve. Kayne barely broke a sweat, but he was used to training like this and working himself this hard.

He could tell she wasn't ready to be done. She wanted to go until she couldn't stand anymore. Something internally was pushing her to succeed. To his surprise, she looked attractive and determined covered in sweat. Kayne realized his thoughts and his face began to turn a light shade of pink. He turned around so she couldn't see, "That's enough training for today."

"What? Why? I'm ready for more." She said out of breath. She then used her super speed to face Kayne once more.

He almost took a step back from her sudden appearance. The key word is almost. How did she have the ability to surprise him? He didn't even sense her. How is she able to move in silence so quickly when it took him years to master? It's almost like her vampire side has flourished first. He could sense his face heating up and turned away from her once again. No, he didn't have feelings for her, he couldn't. Did he? This can't be happening, not now. His senses become heightened as he snaps out of his inner thoughts. He was battling the fact that he had grown feelings for Mia. She put her hand on his shoulder, causing his face to burn more intensely. Great, the tough guy has a crush.

"Are you alright?" She asked him as she pulled his shoulder in an attempt to turn him around. He shook his head to try and have his hair hide his red face like Mia does. It didn't work so well. When Mia hid her face she looked shy and adorable, when he did it he looked like a blonde shaggy mutt. Mia noticed his face and she blushed. Kayne gave her a soft smile, not wanting to let his emotions control him. So what if he developed feelings at the worst possible time? Their mission had to come first, but they could have some fun along the way, right? He wanted to kiss her right then and there but decided against it. It wasn't the right time.

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