Time To Change

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Mia's POV

I was woken up by one of Cody's guard's and brought to one of his training room, sounds fun right? Note the sarcasm.

At least I'm not in handcuffs. They gave me new clothes to wear this morning, a simple black t-shirt and some blue jeans. Nothing special. They allowed me to have my weapons so could have some kind of advantage. My weapons consist of my katana (Japanese sword), some shuriken, daggers, smoke balms, my Yin and Yang blade and a knife.

I couldn't sleep last night, when I did close my eyes, it was horrid images of a dark room full of dead people and I was covered in blood...but it wasn't mine.

"I brought her as you told me to, my Prince." The guard holding me said.

Cody stopped fighting with the wooden doll to look at me. I could tell he was working out hard, yet he didn't show it with body language. I could see it I his eyes. He didn't have a single drop of sweat on him. "Hello Mia, how are you?"

"I'm doing good, besides the fact that you want to kill me, I'm totally fine." I smile and afterwards glare at him.

"Your a funny one aren't you?"

"Hanging around Kayne does that to you." Just saying him name made my heart drop. What he did yesterday really hurt me. He let me go with...him. "How do you know Kayne anyway?"

He gestures to the guards, telling them to circle the training room. I stood tall. "We are best friends. We have been since the my one hundred and fifteenth birthday so about two years now."

Well that shocked me... that's how Kayne got the room in the castle! Well I feel stupid now. I sulk a bit but quickly regain my composure. I can't show fear, not now.

"Are you ready?"

I didn't say anything. I ran at him ready to punch.

Cody's POV

"Are you ready?" I ask coolly, when on the inside, I'm itching for a fight. She doesn't answer and I start to think she's scared. Man was I wrong. She disappears from her spot a couple feet in front of me and I'm quick to snap my fingers, sending two of my fastest guard's to surround me, one in front and one behind. I swear I blink and the guard in front of me is down with a broken neck, poor Jimmy, he will be back in an hour or two. Quickly, I turn around and see my other guard is down grabbing his neck that has been clawed at, choking noises coming from his mouth. This Mia girl is good, but not good enough, she comes at me and I raise my hand catching her neck. Making her cough up some blood. I smirk as her eyes grow wide. I then slam he to the ground creating a small crater around her body.

She coughs more blood up, totally out of air. I guess I knocked the air out of her, oh well. I walk towards her crouching besides her, moving some hair off her face. She is quite beautiful. "Is that all you got?"

She struggles to move but manages to smirk. "Not even close." Soon she's up, struggling a bit. I stand and take a couple steps back. There's something different about her, the hate radiating off of her. Even I'm slightly frightened and I'm the damn Vampire Prince! I take another step back, then another, yet the same space is in between us because every step I take, she takes. A sadistic smile has formed on her face, showing bloody teeth from the blood she coughed up when I grabbed her neck.

I freak out in my head as my face shows no emotion. I snap my fingers and five guards go after her. I smile, no way can she beat them all off.

She practically flies in the air, she didn't even jump! How is she not falling back down? One of the five guards arm bursts into flame and he screams. Vampire's can only die if they are burned to a crisp. The poor guys arm falls off. That's not going to grow back. How did she do that? Is her power fire? Or wind? She shouldn't even have a power yet, not until she goes through the change. I realize my face has been frozen in fright. Damn! I'm never afraid. I smirk, trying my best not to show fear. I look at the rest of my guards and yell "Attack!" They all let out a battle cry, running at Mia as she lands on the ground.

She looks at the guard that lost his arm and laughs hysterically. Her head falling back and her hands curled in front of her. Her knees are buckled, making her look demonic. The instant she realizes my guards are running at her, she stops laughing and her face was blank. No fear, nothing. Not even guilt, even I feel a little guilt after killing someone.

She takes her katana (Japanese sword) from her back and starts slicing through my guards. She's like a ninja, dodging all of my guards attacks, over 50 have been sliced by now. I take out my own sword, a fire style sword. It was blue instead of red, useful to trick my enemies that it is spirit or water. It was my father's sword, he was the only vampire to ever have fire style as his core power. Until I came along. As the second vampire to ever have the power of fire, I am invincible, I can never die. As I take the sword from my back, blue flames surround the blade. They can't burn me.

Mia runs at me, fear flashes through her eyes. Besides that, no other emotion. Our weapons met and sparks fly off of them, weapons clashing each other over and over until I hit her katana where the only way we can separate is if one of us jumps away. I sure as hell aren't moving. Both are blades are shaking from the force we are pushing on them, her face still has no emotion as I'm smirking. Our faces as close as possible without being dangerously close to our blades. I focus my energy and my fire expands. What? It wont go onto her blade. it's like there's a force field around it. My only option I have left is brutal strength. I let out a long battle cry and push as hard as I can onto her katana. I see a crack start to form and I yell again. "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"

Her katana breaks and she falls onto me exhausted, I put my sword away and pick her up bridal style. Finally, the change has begun.

Kayne's POV

I have to stay strong. I did that for one reason, so she can live. Tears dare to leave my eyes. Damn!... I hate being weak! When you cry you show fear and that is a weakness. I haven't cried since the night Zara and I were found by Sam.

I continue down the hallway, following behind Flora and Zara. We finally get to our temporary home and I continue to my room. I lay down on the bed, body spread out. Relaxation was needed, but I was followed.

"Brother?" I turn my head toward the voice. "Why did you do that to Mia?" Zara came towards the bed and took a seat by my feet.

"I sit up and look at her, my back against the bed frame. "It's complicated." I half lied.

"Really brother? You can trust me, I'm the only family you have let, you can talk to me."

Darn her little sister charm, "I did it for her. I'm not strong enough to help her go through the change." I expected her to start laughing at me. Instead she smiled.

"Kayne, you are strong, you're the strongest person in my eyes."

I look down at my unoccupied hands, "But I wasn't strong enough to help her." A buzzing feeling went through my cheek. She slapped me. My little sister slapped me.

"Shut up! You are strong enough, you're just pushing her away like you do with everyone, you've always pushed everyone away. Ever since that day..." She trailed off and I know what she was talking about. The day we first started to live on the streets. We tried so hard to get food, no one would give us any so our last option became stealing.

She got off my bed and walked towards the door, standing in the doorway, "Don't get rid of this one, or you might not get her back." With that she left, leaving me shocked, My little sister really is growing up.





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