The King Of The Under Worlds Is Alive!

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Zara's POV

"Tell me! Tell me who you are working for! Tell me who you are taking orders from!" I yell right in James face. He made these innocent werewolves fight to the death. He tried to kill my friends, my brother and me. He deserves to die.

"Why would I  tell you?" He spat.

I smirk, "Because," I paused. " I can kill you without a second thought."

He starts to laugh while I keep my cool demeanor. Hands on my hips, I reequip. My regular ninja gear transformed into black armor, Night Armor.

I won this armor in a battle back on earth. Some stupid vampire was showing off his new suit he found. I had just gone through the change at the time and had no idea what my power was.

"Who wants to battle me! Who ever can win, gets my armor!" A voice yelled. I looked over to the direction the voice was coming from and saw a small crowd surrounding a vampire in a suit of armor, a rare thing to find. Usually vampires don't show up in the day, well the sun is going down but still.

I had just woke up from the change a couple of minutes ago. I was cold, covered in cold sweet and was in different clothes than what I was wearing before.

I slowly moved over to the crown, just a little afraid. My brother told me that going through the change you feel vulnerable or very strong. In this case, it was both. I felt very vulnerable yet I felt like I could punch a hole in someone's skull.

I make it to the crowd looking messy and plain old scary. What do you expect, I just woke up in a damp and dark alley. "I will." I say quietly.

"Who said that?" The vampire boy said.

I take a step out from the crowd and face the vampire with an innocent face. Oh I am so ready to battle.

"You? But your so little and... weak."

I smile cutely, "How would you know." I put my hands behind my back and sway back and forth, causing some of the females to say 'awe' and 'cute'.

Vampire boy smiled too, "Well then. lets battle 'little girl'."

Oh this is going to be fun, and easy.  Okay, get in stance, check. smile, check. Now to examine the enemy, he is tall with blonde hair and a bad hair dye. It's obvious his natural hair color is black. He looks dirty and poor and is very thin. He needs blood. He has red eyes, of course a rogue vampire. He must have all these creatures hypnotized.

"Well come at me little one." He said.

"Oh, I already have."

The expression on his face was priceless. He was confused yet in pain. In the moments he said "Well then. lets battle 'little girl'." I had already moved so fast the untrained eye could see. He fell to the ground with a small yelp. Earlier I slices at his shoulder, just deep enough to need stitches.

"Here I come." I say, but before I attacked something weird happened. I raised my hand to start running towards him and I started to glow a bright yellow. Next thing I knew I was in my pj's from my closet back home, Hearus.

"What is she wearing?" "How did she do that?"  "What is she?" Voices echoed all around me.

This must be my power, changing clothes? What a lame power...

"Oh, so you're a supernatural like me, makes sense. Are you ready to actually fight me now?"

Curse this stupid power! I need to be strong so I can protect my brother! I let out a war cry before attacking the boy, but right before I hit the armor right  the gut, he jumped out.

With a gaping hole still in the armor, I pick it up and try something. I raise my hand towards the armor and it glows yellow just like me. The armor is on me, fitting my tiny figure completely fixed with no hole in the gut.

The black armor is warm to the touch, not cold like I thought it would be. As soon as I looked the vampire boy in the eye, he ran, "You freak! I'm out of here!"

He was out of sight as a black scythe with a red trim along the body of the blade. This power is going t be awesome

That's when I realized how I could use my power to my advantage. Since that day I have been hunting for all the most powerful armor in the world. By now I have at least 100 with more being added. Last week I bought a very cute one piece bathing suit for at the beach.

I hold the tip of the scythe on James neck scaring him shit less, yes I swear in my head.

He gulped scared, but just a little.

"What happened to you James? You use to be so sweet and kind to me... what happened?" Janie said.

He gulped again glaring at me before looking at his sister, " What happened to me? What happened to you? I tried so hard to be just like you but some how you always were better than me at everything."

Janie tried to hide the tears but failing badly. "That's not true!"

"Prove it! What's one thing that I was better then you at"

"Well, uhh."


"There has to be something! Didn't you go through the change first?"

He laughed as I pulled my scythe slowly away, still pointing it at him so he knows not to move suddenly.

Jamie's POV

The little one, I think Zara is her name, moved her sharp scythe away from my neck. Thank god, if she pushed any harder against my skin, I would be dead. She really knows how to scare a guy.

"Of course not! You did went through the change the morning I did. But you still transformed before me by two years! This is what happened that morning!"

"Watch this brother!" A child called to her favorite person in the world.

The boy turned his head, letting his short brown hair swoosh.

"Look what I can do!" She yelled happily. The little girl jumped into the air human, but fell back down a wolf.

The little boy which was 8 at the time, stood there shocked yet proud for his younger sister. He was slightly angry at his sister also. He couldn't transform into a werewolf yet, but she could. His face sure didn't show it.

"Good job Janie!" He praised.

"You try, you try!" She repeated. She was clueless to the fact that he couldn't transform yet.

The girl turned into a human again before tackling her brother to the ground playfully.

"Uff!" He grunted.

"Lets play pack brother!"

He willingly played pack with his sister, not because he loved her, but because he wanted to learn her weaknesses...

"Is that really how you felt back then?" My sister said saddened by what I just told her.

"Yes, that's why I'm working under the King of the Under Worlds." Fuck! I just blew it! Please don't notice, oh hell, of course they noticed. I said it so loud an animal in a neighboring forest could of heard me.

"Who are you working for!" Zara yelled, pushing her scythe against my throat again.

This little girl is really good at interrogating. I'm James Grace and I'm even a little bit scared.

"The King of the Under Worlds. In other words, the hybrid prince, is still alive."

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