Being Bitten? Not The Best Experience

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Mia's POV

"How can he be alive!" Flora said in outrage staying in her small form still afraid of James. Who wouldn't be? He is a dirty killer.

James started to stand up, causing Kayne to raise his hand to warn him, "Relax, i just need to stretch, being on the hard ground is painful after a while."

Kayne huffed but let him stand. I really hope those supernatural handcuffs can hold him.

"How is he still alive?" I ask him boldly.

He gave me a strange look but started to spill, "When I left home I came across a hidden portal. It was getting dark and I was still young and a little afraid."

I couldn't help but grin at him. It's funny how he came right in the open and said he was afraid.

"I went through the portal to find myself just about to fall off a cliff. Before I fell a hand grabbed my shirt and turns out it was the King himself. He took me in and treated me like one of his own. He trained me and promised that I would get revenge."

Janie had a look in her eye, like she knew something no one else knew, "What do you mean, revenge?" She asked.

"I mean, I killed father."

The look on Janie's face is unreadable. Shock, anger, sadness all mixed into one. I knew she wanted her brother dead, she was outraged that he killed her, and to top it all off, her own flesh and blood is a killer.

"How could you!" She yells so loud my ears started to ring. Her body is shaking, hands clenched so hard her fingers are going white. Her hazel eyes burrowing into James. "I said, how could you!" She yells even louder, who knew she could?

James was shaking, actually shaking. Pinned against the tree by Kayne's telekinesis. Not that I know, but from what I have been told, Jane is really powerful.

Jane runs at James ready to kill, James is too fast. He darts to the left seconds before Jane crashed into the tree.

She lets out a growl before running at him again. She is still to slow, James dodges heading straight for me. I shriek, that's when it all starts going downhill.

James has his teeth locked on my shoulder. The pain is excruciating! His filthy canines leave my body as he runs to the woods.

"I'll go after him." Zara said.

"I'll go with you." Kayne agreed.

Zara nodded as they left the clearing to follow James.

I fall to the forest flood, gripping my shoulder tightly to lessen the pain. Flora flies over, transforming into her human form before kneeling beside me. She gently lays me down and pulls my hand away from the bite. I can't see it but from the face Flora and Cody are making it must be pretty bad.

I bite my tongue to bite back a scream, why is it hurting so much!

"Get me my bag!" Flora shouts an an order to Cody. Cody flashes to the tent and back, using his abnormal vampire speed.

"Here." He says worried.

"I-it hurts. What's happening to me-" I get cut off by an agonizing shoot of pain. Starting from the bite then my heart, like it skipped a few beats.

"Get me the elixir in my bag!" Flora shouts as she makes her dust go onto the gaping hole on my shoulder. It stings like hell.

Cody obeys and digs into Flora's tiny bag. His whole arm disappears into the bag, the bag as a magical ability to have as much storage as a room in a house.

"It's not working!" Flora shouts.

Then it all goes black.

*The next day*

Where am i? I ask myself. I'm in a tent, birds are chirping, people are laughing. Then the memories came back, we fought Jamie and his crew. Then we interrogated him and he bit me. I look at my shoulder to see bandages covering it. They are bloody and I'm covered in hot sweet. My head is pounding and my stomach wants me to throw up. Everything is a bit blurry and I feel lightheaded.

I sit up and the pounding in my head increases.

"Hey, I think she's up." A male voice said.

Light pours into the dark green tent burning my eyes. I hiss as Flora and Cody enter.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Flora asks me, wide eyes worried.

"Well, a psycho werewolf bit me, that still hurts like hell. My head is pounding, you are all blurry blobs, and last but not least, I want to though up." I snap.

"Well, she's awake at least." Cody smiles awkwardly while rubbing the back of his neck. He seems different…

"Let me check the bite." Flora gently demands.

I nod, letting her touch me. Surprisingly this tent is quite huge. She flutters over to my left side to get a better look. Cody sits cross legged on the tent floor watching me carefully.

Flora begins to peel the white bandage off of my skin, I wince at first because of the sticky part pulling at my skin. Just like the pain of ripping off a band-aid... I close my eyes at first, not wanting to see how bad it was. Cody and Flora gasp, making me want to look, so I do. One by one they open, I gulp hard as I see the damage done.

The bite is clearly showed. The teeth marks are at least a centimetre in my skin. My skin has been dying off, leaving red flesh in its place. I start to brake heavily.

"Calm down, everything will be okay." Cody reassures me.

It takes me a while but my breathing becomes regular again. I slowly lay back down and lay on my other side, hiding my tears from everyone.

Cody's POV

I wonder where Jane, Kayne and Zara are. I may not show how I feel, but inside, I do care. When I see someone I instantly know if they are good or bad. It's because of my power, my power saves lives but it comes with a great risk.

Mia's bite is getting worse and worse every ticking second of everyday.

"Hey." Flora says as she walks towards me from Mia's tent. I've been sitting at the fire, keeping watch for the last hour or two.

"How is she?" I ask, trying to keep my temper low. I can't believe James did that! Doesn't he know that a werewolf bite can kill?

"Not to good. Her breathing is irregular and she has hot sweat all the time. I've done everything that I can with my fairy dust and potions. I-I don't think she is going to make it..." She trails off.

My heart stops for a brief second, long enough for it to hurt. I know I'm technically dead but I can't just turn off my emotions like other vampires. My supernatural power prevents me from doing so.

"Isn't there any other way you can save her?" I ask a little frantic.

I think Flora notices because she flinched away from the sound of my voice, "I've tried everything, there is only one way she can live and you know that." She faces the palm of her hands to the fire to get warm.

I look into the fire watching the flames dance, reminding me of the day I first used my powers...


Sooo, what do you guys think? Don't be afraid to comment, I don't bite I promise. I love hearing what my readers think of my book. It helps me with ways to make my stories better.

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