Story Time Around A Camp Fire Part 1

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Mia's POV

It has been a week since we have arrived in Cascard. Now we are finally leaving to go to the DemonWorld.

So far I have learned that my mom is still alive living somewhere in hiding. I'm not to sure about my dad though, he could be dead or he could be alive also hiding. All I care about is how my own dad didn't want me. As soon as he knew I was a hybrid and not just a vampire or a werewolf, he left.

Both my parents survived the devastating fire, but my dad never stayed with my mom after they made it out alive. From my experience of going through the change, I found out all this, and yes my dad loved my mom. yet he left her because of me. I know it is hard to grow up on your own and look after yourself, but imagine caring for yourself and a new born baby when you have no home and no money. It makes sense that my mom left me in the same alley a week after I was born. Why couldn't my dad stay to help out my mom? He loved her so why did he leave her?

All these questions and more are circling around in my head, it's like the inside of my head is going to explode.

Right now, Cody, Kayne, Zara, Flora, Jane, and I are traveling to the portal Jane uses to get to the other worlds. She thinks it will be safer if we travel through her portal instead of using Flora's power for all six of us. From our other portal trips I can tell Flora gets a little whipped out. Also the fact that Flora agreed to it tells me that she does in fact get tired. Just imagine if she had to use her power on all of us, Flora would definitely pass out.

I find all of us in a small clearing just down a forest path that Jane has lead us down, "Okay everyone, one by one we will travel through the portal. When traveling though, think of the place you want to go. I will go first and then the Kayne and so on. Traveling though a real portal is a lot different than a fairy portal, you enter the other world instantly instead of walking through the dimensions."

As Jane said, she went first, then Kayne, me, Cody Zara, and Flora. As I went through it was like a liquid glass, I had to push to get through, but I was instantly in the other world. I stood in front of the portal in awe of how gruesome and dead the DemonWorld looked. Next think I know, Cody in running into my back and I fall to the ground with Cody over top of my back.

"Do you mind getting off?" I ask quietly. Jane burst out laughing while Kayne's eye twitches.

"Nah. I kind of like it down here."

I mentally glare at him before breathing in and out calmly. I pull my arms out from under me and flick my wrist, sending Cody right into a dead tree, snapping it in half. Thanks power of the wind.

"Man I love your power!" Jane said to me.

I laugh before dusting myself off. Zara and Flora come out of the portal in the next few minutes.

"Brother, I think we should set up camp here." Zara asked Kayne, pulling on his trench coat. We have been walking in this scary ass place for a while now but we came across a small clearing.

"Yes, I agree with Zara. This place has a flat ground and the clearing is just big enough for two small tents." Flora agreed. She has been awful quiet lately... I wonder why.

With that we set up camp, Kayne was chosen to find wood for the fire, Zara put traps around the small clearing so no demons and sneak up on us in the middle of the night. Cody found some stumps from cut down dead trees for us to sit on. That boy and his strength, he pulled six stumps straight out if the ground. The rest of us set up the tents.

Cody and Kayne shared the small tent while Zara, Flora, Jane, and I shared the bigger tent. It wasn't much bigger than the boys tent but it was still bigger.

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