Freaky Hunger

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Mia's POV

After the two strangers jumped out of the burning window, I jump out, getting wet from the slowly melting ice slide. The male supports the pregnant female as she limps, heading toward a dark alley.

He then lays her out on a dirt blanket that he found on the side of a garbage bin. She let out a hushed scream, the baby is coming.

They can't here me, they can't see me, what am I suppose to do?

The next scream wasn't so hushed. It went on and on, him holding her hand, her squeezing it tightly as she screamed. After a while I couldn't take it. I can't do anything to help. Why am I even here? I thought the change was suppose to awaken my powers, not being invisible.

Soon enough the baby was born. She had short stubby hair. The tiniest thing I have ever seen.

A strange pull is coming from the baby girl. I try to fight it but my body resists, that's when I let it take over. My hand slowly glides through the air and I gently touch the baby with my finger on her forehead.

That's when it hits me.

A bright light starts shooting from my fingers, shimmering through the air like waves. Its beautiful, circling around me like a liquid fire waiting to explode. I keep my one finger on the baby's forehead, that's when the bright liquid light finally explodes. its like paint in a way, but all one color splashing all over me.

The vision starts and that's when I know. I lift my finger from the baby's forehead and she opens her eyes to smile at me. The smile that is so familiar to me.

I close my eyes, knowing that I am now finally a hybrid.

When I open them again, I'm laying on the cold stone floor, Kayne has a cast on his right arm, Flora is unharmed and is healing a nasty gash on Zara's right temple with her fairy dust. Cody is perfectly fine because vampires heal faster. Faster than werewolves or hybrids. Hybrids heal faster than werewolves but slower than vampires because they are only half vampire.

The throne rooms a mess! The ground is all pulled messed up with pieces missing. I can smell burning wood, coming from Cody's thrown which he is sitting on. I get up off the soaked ground and head towards him, completely ignoring Kayne. I can feel his eyes following me as I walk towards Cody but I shove it off. Why should I care for him? He hurt me…

"How do you feel?" Cody asks me. Sounding, different.

"Powerful.....And hungry." I lick my lips.

Cody's POV

I sit in my throne chair waiting, waiting for Mia to finally get up. I could feel that it was only seconds away. Everyone in my family has the power to sense spiritual things, like spirit energy or spirits themselves. I'm the exception, I can sense both those things and supernatural things. Lets just say I'm like a super vampire.

Mia finally opens her eyes, just as I predicted. She rubs her head before standing. Her eyes dart around the room, before spotting me. I smile at her kindly, knowing that she's going to be weak and a little jumpy before she feeds.

"How do you feel" I ask her, not even trying to hide my emotion. Now that she is a full on hybrid she is even more gorgeous than before.

"Powerful." She says, just what I thought. "And hungry." She creepily licked her lips, craving the thing she hates the most, blood.

"Follow me and I will show you what you are craving." I stand and reach my hand out. She gladly takes it and we head to my blood storage. Her hand in mine is cold, only because she is fragile without blood. Once human blood is in her system, she will become warm, like a wolf. Of course I will always be cold.

We find the metal door and I do the combination for the door. In Veentrois, blood is under lock and key in my kingdom, and for a good reason to. If a demon is found in the human world without the correct passport, they are sent back. But if they go to the human world and suck human blood, its immediate death. The royal family on the other hand, can travel freely in between worlds. So in other wards, the royal family is the only way how to get human blood. Other vampires have to have animal blood, unless they buy it from me.

We enter the room through the heavy duty metal doors. I look over to Mia, just catching her drop her jaw. She's quick to close it again. My hand in hers, I guide her to a blood bag near the back of the room, where I put the best tasting blood. Only the best for this glorious creation.

I hand her the bag and she rips it open, sucking up every last drop that leaves the bag. She makes a mess on her face and still licks it clean like an animal after feeding. To any human this would look disgusting, but to me, it was perfect, beautiful even.

"What are you looking at?" She asks.

I blink a few times before answering her. "Just you" I smirk at myself.

I see a light pink color appear on her face and I internally laugh. "We should be heading back. Do you feel better now?"

She swallowed the last bit of blood from the bag, "Yeah, much better. It was like my body was slowly going numb and wouldn't work, not matter how hard I tried. It was like my body was shutting down. But then I smelt it... the blood. The thing I have always hated, is now the thing I want the most. When the smell entered my nose, it took all my might to hold my body back. The best part was when the liquid slithered down my throat. The numbness went away, my body now feels so much more alive."

"Well, blood does that to you. Since your a hybrid though, you don't need to have so much blood, it could turn you into something you do not want to be."

She dropped the subject as we walked back to my throne room to meet up with everyone.

Mia's POV

Blood................. blood............ blood is all I can think about. I lick my lips, wanting more.

Everyone comes into view and I hide my thirst, with difficulty.

"Sorry to rush things, but we have to go." Kayne announced.

Who does he think he is? The leader? I don't think so. "Why do we have to go? It's fun here." I smile up at Cody, who is standing right next to me.

"Fun?!" Kaye shouted outraged. "How can this place be fun! First you get lost and make us all worry. Second you almost kill all of us in your subconscious. Third your acting... different. All this happened because I brought you here to find your parents, not to change you." His hair blocked his eyes so I couldn't see the emotion. But I could still sense it. His anger, his gentleness, his frustration, it's all seeping out of his like water from a tap.

"Fine fine, whatever. We can go." I cool answered, No loving emotion coming from me, but plenty coming from Kayne.

"Don't forget little ol' me is tagging along." I look up at Cody and smile. Now hate is literally radiating off of Kayne. Good, it feels good to be the cause of it. He hurt me, so I hurt him.




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