The Parents

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Chapter 3 - The Parents

Sam thought he should tell her, should he not? Is it worth it, to tell her this painful story? Is it worth it to make her suffer? All these questions and more were going through his head. He felt the sting of tears when she asked the question, but he wouldn't dare show his weakness. Even though the first time she said it was quiet, he heard the words loud and clear. When she repeated herself it was more of an echo in his ears. Mia's tears were still falling down her cheeks. Even in this sad state, she resembles her mother very much. So much so that it's almost painful for him to look at her.

"Can you please tell me?" Mia managed to say as she sniffled away sobs, "If you don't know anything that's fine, but tell me if you do. Please."

Sam could tell that Kayne was concerned for her. He understood completely how she was feeling. Kayne thought his mother died giving birth to Zara but that wasn't the case. When Sam took Zara and Kayne under his wing Kayne did some digging into their past. The truth was that the old King of the Underworld killed their mother shortly after she gave birth. Their father couldn't handle the death of his wife so he took his own. Sam chose not to tell Kayne and Zara the truth to spare their feelings. He knew Kayne would eventually find out and want his revenge. As much as Sam didn't want him to, he knew Kayne would try. To this day, Sam wasn't aware that Kayne knew the truth about his parents.

Sam cleared his throat, "I'm not sure if you are ready to know. I don't want to tell you if you can't handle it." He didn't know if he dared to tell her the truth. If he told her she might try to leave Hearus and that could end badly. If she left Hearus before she went through The Change, all hell could break loose. Sam won't know how powerful she will be until she goes through The Change. Without proper training as well, she could die. There was too much at stake to make a mistake by telling her the truth.

Kayne, who was lost in thought about his parents, came back to reality when Mia responded to Sam.

"So you do know what happened to my parents!" She said with her eyes wide and puffy, "Please. I am ready to know the truth. I can handle it. I am tired of not knowing anything about myself. All I know is that I was abandoned and left to die. It's not fair. I want to know what my parents could have been thinking. What made them abandon me."

"If this is what you want, then fine. I will tell you about your parents. I am sorry if this is too hard for you to hear. I tried to warn you." Sam put his hands on his desk, entwining his fingers. Please don't leave, he begged. "It all started just before you were born. Your family wasn't ordinary. You were never meant to be born."

"What do you mean?" She asked.

This is harder than he thought, not that he thought any of this was going to be easy. "You were never supposed to be born because of who your parents are. Your mother was a vampire and your father was a werewolf."

Kayne's eyes flew wide when he heard Sam say that. "Wait! Two different species are never to conceive a child! Let alone have a relationship. The Silent Keepers would never allow it."

Sam continued the story, "Both of them knew what they were doing when they fell in love. They knew it was against the law but their love for one another was too strong. They tried to fight it for years." Mia smiled, "They kept their love a secret to keep them safe, and eventually to keep you safe. Time passed and they had a beautiful little girl. Your parents were some of the most powerful supernatural beings their generation has ever seen."

"Did you know my parents?" Mia asked Sam, her voice small and shaken.

"Yes, I did."

"What were they like? What did they look like? Did they get along? How did they fall in love?" Her questioning felt like a pistol shrimp attacking its prey.

"I will tell you everything, but first you need to stop interrupting me." She is making this much harder on Sam with all of her questions. To be fair, he did tell her to ask him anything.

Sam Smirked as Mia pushed her lips together in an effort to keep quiet.

"I knew your parents back in the day because I led their company during the war against Veentrois. We had fought many battles together, winning most, and losing some. It was a bloody war against King Dalton. After years of struggle, our company changed the tide of the war when your parents did the unthinkable. When the company was asleep, the night before the raid on the King's castle, your parents snuck away and set a bomb under the drawbridge. The moment King Dalton's men crossed, the bomb went off, destroying the drawbridge and sentencing his men to death. Your mother used her ice power to create our own drawbridge to raid the castle. The King was captured and the rest is history.

Your father was a powerful werewolf. He had brown hair like any typical werewolf but his eyes were what made him unique; they were green. The rest of his features were dark; brown shaggy hair as I mentioned, tanned skin, that sort of thing. Werewolves tend to group together in packs, your father happened to be the alpha of his pack. With all of his strength, he still had one weakness. His anger. Your mother happened to be the only one who could calm him down when he got into a rage. She had a much softer soul than your father. She was the kindest vampire you would have ever met. Her eyes could read you like an open book. They were blue like Kayne's."

Mia tried to hide it, but she was sneaking a peek at Kayne's eyes again.

"Your mother had light brown hair, how on earth you ended up with pitch-black hair is beyond me. Her power was ice and your father's power was fire. They were a perfect duo with everything they did. One thing I do remember very clearly was that your mother was so excited to start a family, but your father was worried you would be a hybrid instead of either a werewolf or a vampire. Fate made it so you were a hybrid. Your father didn't want to live a life on the run, so he left you and your mother when he found out you were a hybrid. I am sorry to tell you that. Your mother was on the run from The Silent Keepers at this point; an organization designed to keep order between the Worlds. They are a small circle of different supernatural creatures with great abilities. Leaders of different Worlds will call upon them in times of chaos. To this day, everyone is unsure how the Silent Keepers found out about your existence, but it must have been one of the royal families who told them.

I chose to help your mother hide since she had no one else on her side. I found out about their relationship and that they were expecting after the final battle on the drawbridge. A week after you were born, the Silent Keepers found you and your mother. I did everything I could to hide your family from them, but I failed. I wasn't there to see how it all went down but this is what I was told. You and your mother were killed in a house fire. Now that I know you are alive, I believe that your mother could be alive as well. The Silent Keepers did not find your father, but they were not interested in him since he disassociated himself from your family..."

There was a painful silence floating in the air for a few minutes until Mia sliced it. "W-what were their names?"

"Your mother's name was Faith Ray and your father's name was Devon Downworld. You took your mother's maiden name because of obvious reasons. She wanted you to remember who you are, the good side. Don't get me wrong Mia, your father was a great person, but leaving you and your mother behind made him lose my respect."

Mia stood from her chair, her eyes burning, her face red and hot. Sam swore he could hear her heartbeat, then again it could be his racing.

Her hands trembled by her side, "Thank you." She managed to say before she ran out of his office.

"Go after her! You caused this bullshit, you should be the one to fix it." Kayne yelled at Sam a few moments later. He had never yelled at Sam before. Sam was like a father to him. Never in Sam's life had Kayne shown him such disrespect. Kayne didn't say another word. He left Sam's office, rage radiating off him. No doubt Kayne is on his way to see if Mia is okay. Sam grabbed the arms of his chair for support as he pulled himself up. As he rose he winced in pain. His back has been his worst enemy for the last few years. He made his way to the archway of his office and called upon his spirit animal. A large eagle came flying around the corner and perched itself on his outstretched arm. The bird's large talons wrapped around his arm for support. Since the eagle did this a lot, Sam had invested in eagle gloves to protect his arms and hands.

He watched the children play in the hall, admiring what he had accomplished in life, "It's time Rave. It is finally time. The chosen one has arrived."

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