A Deadly Chapter

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Cody's POV

After a long walk through the forest, I come back to camp with an arm full of wood for the fire tonight. I drop the wood by the fire pit for later.

"Hey Mia! You don't look so good." Flora says. I look back and see Mia is walking wobbly out of the boys tent. She was probably talking to Kayne. Her skin is as white as a ghost and it looks as if she can't see where she is going.

"Zara, get my bag!"

Within seconds I grab Flora's bag and run to Flora who is now running to Mia.. "Whats wrong with her?" I ask a little frantic.

Kayne walks out of the tent after hearing all of the commotion. Mia falls to the ground but I catch her swiftly. I place her on the ground and remembered what Flora told me last night. I rip Mia's shirt open, exposing her chest and shoulder.

"What are you doing!" Kayne yells at me.

I stand up not in the mood for his stupidity, "I'm trying to save her life!"

He backed off as we both bent down beside Mia. The bite has infected her upper arm and right over her chest. The dark crimson blood slowly seeping from the wound. I can't believe James did this to her!

Flora places her hands over Mia's chest, letting her fairy dust fall onto the wound. "Cody, grab the light blue potion, it will temporarily slow down the infection." Flora bites her lip, probably tired from so much work on Mia.

I do as she says, digging my hand into the small bag and luckily I pull out the bottle filled with light blue liquid. Quickly, I pass in to Flora.

She shakes her head, "I can't do it. If I stop my fairy dust she will die. Now, open the bottle and pour it onto her wound, every last drop of it."

"Me?" I ask stupidly.

"Yes!" She yells. I pull the cork off the bottle and start pouring the liquid onto her wound, starting where the bite originated from.

Mia screams in pain, making some bird perching on a nearby tree fly away. Cold sweat covering her body as she bite down hard. I hate seeing her like this.

"Someone get her some wood for in between her teeth!" I bark out an order for anyone.

Kayne uses his vampire speed to run to the fire pit in search of a small piece of wood in the pile I collected earlier. He finds one and hands it to me. I take it and put it in between Mia's teeth. Now she won't accidentally bite her tongue.

"Everything will be okay..." I whisper to Mia. She slightly opens her eyes to let me know that she believes me. Her beautiful skin is distorted and slowly falling off around the infected area.

"We're losing her!" Flora yells. Zara stands there frantically, Kayne is holding Mia's right hand. I pour the last bit of potion onto her wound, right over her heart.

"What's going on?" Jane asks confused. I look up from Mia and see her with a bucket full of water. It was her job today to collect water.

Janie's eyes travel over to Mia, "Oh my God..." She says quietly. She drops the water sending it crashing to the ground, thankfully it didn't tip over. She runs over to Mia and stand beside a scared Zara. I've known Zara since she was a baby, she is never scared.

"No..." I stumble out. "She can't die!" The potion bottle falls from my hands, landing on the grass.

Mia begins to breathe rapidly, like she can't suck in enough air. She begins shaking violently, her eyes are open but they stare at nothing but the sky above.

Flora moves her dust over top of Mia's shaking body. Some of the dust starts to form around her, keeping her from shaking so violently, "She is going into epileptic shock." The dust particles all blend together into a pink and purple cloud. Flora then moves her fingers like she is playing a piano, making the dust rub together. Electricity starts to form in the cloud like a mini storm.

Mia stops moving, her eyes still open. "Charge!" Flora shouts. The dust cloud travels swiftly to her chest then back up, Flora being the one controlling it.

Mia doesn't move.

"Charge!" Flora yelled again. The dust cloud does the same thing. No difference.

Flora sits back on her knees, knowing that Mia is gone, that she can never come back. One last tear trickles down Mia's face, before she stops fighting.

"No..... no...." I stamper.

Zara, Flora, and Janie all start to cry. Kayne grabs Mia's hand and kisses it gently before getting up and hugging his sister. They start to walk away as the minutes count by. First Flora, she is the weakest one out of all of us, emotionally anyway. Then Janie, her brother just died and now one of her friends. I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to look at Mia's body. Zara starts walking away as well, Kayne follows reluctantly. All Kayne wants is to protect his sister at this point. He has no hope left.

It can't end this way. I grab Mia's left hand, feeling how cold it is, just like mine. Reaching my free hand over her face, I gently closing her eyes. Sit there for a minute, makes me think. Yeah I've only known her for a month or so, but how can I feel like she filled a hole that has been in me for so long? This... powerful girl, so beautiful and majestic comes flying into my life like a present on Christmas. Now she's gone, forever. I broke one of the best presents anyone could ever receive.

Unless... I could do the unthinkable, but I could die. I've lived a long time, I  think it's time I start thinking about other people besides myself. Mia, she was only 17 when she died. She will have a much better life than I did. If I die I know I made the right choice.

I stand up, breathe in and out deeply before I say the word I haven't said for over 100 years, "Reanimation!"

I place my hands together, just like I did that one dreadful day. The most important art is focusing my energy. Like last time, I think of all the great times I've had with Mia. Heck, I even think of the bad, all memories of her were my favorites. Even when she tried to kill me.

My body knows exactly what it's suppose to do, my knees give way and I'm sitting beside Mia. Hands firmly together collecting natural energy from the area around me and the energy from my body.

A sonic wave goes off, the source is me and Mia. Everyone turns to see what I am doing. Kayne and Zara were shocked, Jane was confused, and Flora had a small smile on her face.

The wind picks up and the trees sway wildly. This time around I actually know what I'm doing so the amount of energy I can collect is far more greater than before. The girls hold their hair back except for Zara, she reequips into an outfit that is wind resistant. Her hair is tied back in a tight braid.

I slowly separate my hands, causing the earth the slightly crack around me, the energy between my hands would be unbearable to anyone beside me. Mia and I are the only ones who aren't affected by the searing wind.

A blue blob forms from the energy in front of me, under my control I move it over top of Mia. Last time I did this the blob was very shaky and unstable, I'm surprised I didn't die then. This time the blob is a perfect ball shape.

"What do you think you're doing!" Janie yells over the wind.

I ignore her, the only thing that matters right now is Mia. My life doesn't matter. "Release!" I shout.

The energy starts to make a buzzing noise before diving into Mia's body. My vision blurs and my limbs go numb, I can't feel any part of my body.

I fall on top of Mia, all of me is numb. I hear the beating of her heart, the bite mark is gone, and she is alive.


Ohhhh, cliff hanger! Don't hate me, kay? I had a lot of fun writing this chapter and I hope you had a great time reading it.

What happens to Cody? I want to hear what you guys think is going to happen.


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