Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

  Caroline's POV

*the next day*

  It was time to get the boys back for dumping water on me.
  I needed to get them real good.

  It took me an hour to come up with a plan, and now it was set in motion.

  With the help of the girls this would be the greatest prank ever.

  I wrote a note pretending to be a kidnapper and said that I was kidnapped.

  Then the boys would go downstairs to tell Bart.

  But I needed Sam to make sure to make them take the stairs. I would be there waiting with a bucket full of syrup.

   I quickly made my way a few flights up so that they couldn't see me.
  It seemed like I waited forever, but I finally heard the door slam below and the rushed sounds of footsteps.

   I jumped to action timing the drop and went for it.

   It was quiet and all you could hear was my laughter.

   I soon realized I was the only one laughing.
  "What?" I said making my way to them.
They looked extremely pissed.

"How the hell was that funny!?" Matt yelled.
  "We thought you were seriously kidnapped!" Someone yelled I couldn't tell who because my eyes were getting blurry from the tears threatening to spill over.

   "What the hell is wrong with you?" Taylor yelled as they went back up the stairs to their rooms.

  I looked up at Cameron for any sign of comfort.

   All he did was shake his head and follow the rest of the boys.
  What did I do.

  I couldn't take it I let it all out.
All tears from the abuse and hate and neglect just spilled out.

  Everything that was bottled up just came out. After 20 minutes of crying we all got a text from Bart to meet him downstairs.

   Sam, Mahogany and I took our time getting there.
  We passed a mirror and my eyes were extremely red and puffy.

   It seemed like everyone was looking at us when we approached Bart.

  "Caroline what's wrong?" He asked concerned.

I could feel my face heat up. "Oh just allergies" I said looking down.

  I wasn't really listening after that.
All I heard was pack and meet up in and hour in the lobby.

   Sam and I were leading the group to the elevator. Mahogany fell in line with Jacob.

  I could feel them staring.
When we got to the elevators Sam and I stepped on.

  No one followed they were all waiting for the other elevator.
Mahogany sent a sad smile before climbing on with them.

  I wiped a tear from my eye that slipped over and I could see Cameron grip onto his crutches tighter.

  Then I saw my reflection in the elevator doors.

"Sam what did I do?" I whispered.

   She hugged me.
We arrived at the floor the same time, but I didn't even look at them.

I could play this game to.
I packed and sat on the bed waiting for Sam.

  I sent a text to Cameron.

"  I guess we're over ?"

He read the message but I never got a response.

Instead I got a text from a number I am now familiar with.

That was so stupid, but I guess in time they will get over it, but I'm disappointed in you:( XOXO ~ was your biggest fan

  I actually responded this time.

"Honestly I could care less, trust me I'm used to disappointing everyone I know by now"

  I closed my phone and rolled my suitcase to the bus.

*bus ride*

I haven't made eye contact with anyone. I've sent a few texts to Sam and Mahogany but that's it.

"Hey guys we are gonna stop at this public pool I found, but I've reserved it for you guys" Bart yelled.

We all started to shuffle to the back of the bus to change. I was thinking about staying on the bus, but I'm not giving them that satisfaction.

   I was the last in the bathroom, but the bus hasn't stopped yet so I still had time.

   I looked at myself in the mirror.
Bruises still lined my stomach and legs.
  It looked like someone painted my body.
  I could only put my feet in the water because of my stupid cast, but then again Cameron couldn't get in at all.

  I walked out and they were all sitting on the couches.
  I jumped up on the counter and winced in pain when I hit my leg on one of the drawer handles.

  After an awkward silence we finally made it to the pool.

  Of course I was last in line. "Freak" someone whispered.

  Usually I didn't listen to people when they called me names, but this hurt like hell.


  Author note:
Okay I don't know if this chapter was
Was good at all but I hope you guys liked it anyway😂
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