Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Caroline's POV

That night there was a thick tension in Cameron's and I hotel room.
  We were watching Finding Nemo in silence.

  "You were great tonight" he said out of no where.
"Umm thanks" I said not even looking at him.

The last thing I remember before falling asleep was Nemos dad finding him and they lived their happy ending. Where was my happy ending?

   I was in the back seat of a car. I could see my parents smiling in the front seat.
  I didn't know where we were going but we were on an icy back road.
  I could feel the car shake under my feet that barely touched the floor.

     "Daddy whats happening?" I asked. His face was pale and he was gripping the steering wheel as tight as possible.

  This is where my nightmare usually stops, but not tonight.

  Everyone in the car jerked forward as my dad slammed on the brakes. But I guess it was too late.
   The car collided with a tree. It was complete silence after that.
  I ended up on the car floor. There was a seatbelt burn down my neck.
"Mommy, daddy?" I cried as an ambulance was heard in the distance.
That's when the sound picked up again. I could hear people yelling and sirens.
  A man in a uniform picked me up and handed me to a woman with a blanket.
  I could hear someone yelling my name.

"Caroline! Caroline!"

  I woke up then and the only person screaming my name was Cameron.
  "Oh thank god your awake!" He said. His eyes were wide and fearful.
  I through my arms around his neck and buried my head into his chest.

   Eventually I fell back asleep crying into Cameron's bare chest.
  He must have thought I was asleep because I could hear him whisper something that I'm pretty sure wasn't meant for me to hear.

  "I'm never letting you go again Caroline, I was so stupid to ever do it the first time."

  I didn't call him out on it I just fell asleep.

  The next morning i was sweating really bad. My face was still in Cameron's chest. Honestly I didn't want to move from there.

He smelled like mint and apples. "Are you awake?" He whispered.

I looked up at him and he was wide awake with bloodshot eyes.

"Have you slept?" I said pulling away from him to get a better look.

"Um no I stayed awake just in case you had another nightmare." He said. His face was extremely flustered.

"I have to go film today anyway so you get some sleep." I said getting out of bed.

"Can I watch you film?" He asked.

  I was a little taken back. Why would he want to watch me film?

"You can watch the back of your eyelids and take a nap" I said grabbing clothes and changing in the bathroom.

When I came back out he has already made my bed and changed his clothes.

   "Thank you for last night, I'm glad you woke me up when you did." I said setting up my tripod and camera.

"It felt good holding you again"
As soon as he said it his face turned red. It was obvious he didn't mean to say that out loud.

  I was just about to go over and give him a hug when my phone beeped. He has no idea how much I wanted to hold him too.

The text was from Nash:
"Can we talk later, and do you think Bart would notice if I bought a rabbit?"

  I laughed at how adorable he was without even trying.
"What's so funny?" Cameron asked.

"Nash wants a rabbit" I said.

  I texted him back. "meet me in the ballroom in 30 min and yes he will notice"

   I was going through my playlist for a song when Cameron spoke for the the first time in 10 minutes.

"Can you sing you don't really know me by Jessie j?" He asked.

I almost dropped my phone. That is my favorite song to listen to whenever I'm upset or just sad.
How did he know that?
  I nodded and grabbed my guitar.

  I did a quick intro before singing.

"The girl who always says yes
Wants to scream no
Takes over everyone's trust
Ignores her own
The life of the party
But loves to stay home
She says she's not broken hearted
But cries on her own
Playing pretend
I shouldn't hide it
It isn't right
Being a liar
I'm crossing the line
Dancing with fire
When I'm not fine
Should I deny it?
Cause I'm going crazy
When I'm not okay .....

I finished the song and I was on the verge of the tears.
  I did my outro trying my best to keep it together. As soon as I said goodbye the tears spilled down my cheeks.

The same person I was crying over was there holding me.
I turned to him and looked straight into his eyes.

"I think I love you cameron"

Author  note:

Sorry for the long wait!!!😬 I sprained  my ankle really bad so I've been in the hospital and on crutches and tons of make up work so I didn't have time 💙 but I hope you enjoyed this chapter !!!!!!


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