Sharing A Floor with a Vampire, Werewolf and Demon/ Chpt.6

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Nathans P.O.V

I was thinking back on today, Matt was acting up more than usual, especially when it came to her. Added aggression was a trait of being a werewolf, but sometimes it felt like Matt had a harder time channeling his aggression, and found it easier to take it out on the closest person possible. He hadn't always been like this, but it did seem that becoming a werewolf only seemed to elevate underlying anger and aggression, and well, that was a trait both Matt and I had. 

I wasn't exactly a werewolf yet, but I could tell my transformation was coming. For the last two years, I had little warnings and triggers, my claws popping out when I was angry, bursts of extra aggression, uncontrollable mood swings, along a list of other things. It felt like it was on full blast as of lately, and I knew come the next full moon, it would happen. It was getting to the point where I couldn't separate myself from it or contain it. 

I looked over at Dyllon, she was slumped over on the other side of the room, with the blanket pulled over her head. I was an asshole for making her be this close to Matt, but at this point, I didn't really have a choice, and I hadn't wanted her to go to Damien either. That selfish part of me wanted her here. 

"Do you think we should get to sleep? I said to Matt. "Dyllon looks pretty clocked out."

"Not my problem," Matthew replied. 

I sighed. "Do you think you could get her the key tomorrow?"

I wanted to make it up to her slightly, and if I had any sway to do so, I would. I doubt this was any help, but maybe she could forgive me for forcing her to be in a car with Matt, and having to bring him back here tonight. It could have just been me and her here tonight.

"Yeah, it might take a while to get that set of keys." Matt smirked.

"You're being such an ass," I rolled my eyes. 

He scoffed. "Nothing new then."

"I'm going to call it a night," I said, stretching and yawning.

"I think I'm going to stay up and watch T.V," Matt snickered.

"Turn it off," I said. "Or you can leave."

"Fuck off," Matt grunted, but then he turned off the T.V and turned the lamp off beside him, and flipped over on the sofa. 

I left towards my room, and closed the door. I wished for once, Matt would just leave. 

Dyllon's P.O.V

I was jolted awake, when I felt a hand brace my leg. I thought Matthew would finally leave me alone, but I should have known he would use any opportunity to torture me. I was about to yelp, but before I could he clamped his hand over my mouth. 

"Shhh," he whispered in my ear. "I thought maybe you were pretending to sleep."

"Get off of me." I growled under his hand. 

"So, did you really lose your keys, or were you just trying to find a way to get closer to Nathan?"

I got one of my hands free, and escaped from his grasp. I gave him a hard elbow to the face, and quickly got up. 

"Leave me alone! Trust me, if there's anything I can do to ensure we don't cross paths, I will. If you stopped being such a jackass for maybe less than 2 minutes, maybe someone would give you the time of the day." I blurted out, and I could tell Matthew was going to erupt. 

Before I faced the wrath of his next movements, I sprinted towards Nathan's room and shut the door behind me. I closed my eyes and leaned against the door, catching my breath and calming my thoughts. I took a deep breath in and sighed in relief. I was hoping Nathan was asleep, but then the lamp turned on, illuminating his face. 

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